King archinid-full info

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Credit for layout goes to: @silverdream82


Main Fandom:n/a

Book Appearances: n/a


Name: king arachnid
Pronunciation: kee-ng a-rack-nid
Nicknames: spinner

Nationality: over world (video game thing)
Sexuality: straight

Birthday: 26/03/19
Actual Age: unknown
Mental Age: teens to mid twenties

Residence: spider nest cave
Occupation: dungeon boss

Likes: beetles, sweets, sugar, animals, a certain player in the game he's in, his home, slacking off on the job, breaking rules, making stuff
Dislikes: spiders (due to recording himself) people touching his stuff, unwanted guess, losing a fight (when he wants to fight)
Phobias: arachnophobia

Bad Habits: leaving his home very messy, stealing stuff from nearby villages for projects, breaking stuff
Eating Habits: messy eater
Sleeping Habits: sleeps in fetal position

Skills: can design and make stuff with random stuff and his webbing
Hobbies: collecting old stuff and making little things for his crush

Personality: laidback, calm, happy, hard to aggravate, not much of a worker
Morals: "no harm must come to my love"-king arachnid

(Other Stuff)

Backstory: in past incarnation of king arachnid he was a tyrant who was feared by both npc's and players, but after a glitch In the code and players being trapped in the game, king hasn't been the same, he is vastly different from his past self, now a day he collects, makes and designs stuff

Fun Facts: his height is 6ft, was design and conceptualised by accident, his extra limbs are retractable

Theme Song: spectacular Spider-Man theme song

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