"Ariana I am so,so sorry..I didn't think that-"

"Dont-"I cut him off,"Don't apologise,this isnt your fault.It's mine,Justin I can't have friends,I can't.I should never have let you in,became friends with you,lead you on.I'm sorry."I say,shaking my head.

"No I want to be your friend,Ariana,please-"

"Get out."I whipser.

"What?"He says hurt.

I take a deep breath,putting my very practised poker face on,showing no emotion,"I don't want to speak to you anymore,get out."I say in monotone.

His eyes are filled with hurt.

"ok.."He says,nodding his head.

He turns around and walks out of the door,he's gone.

He's gone forever.

3 days later~


I haven't seen or spoken to Justin in 3 days,I'm back to cutting,back to sitting in the house all day,back to being by myself most of the time with Henry at work.

Henry knows what happened between me and Justin,welll,sort of.I told him that we got in an argument and we aren't speaking,so to make sure he doesnt invite them over for dinner.

Right now,I was getting ready to go out to starbucks.I got dressed in highwatsed light denim shorts,just long enough to cover my scars on my thighs,and a white tank flowy top with a white tank top underneath.I put on some bracelets to cover my cuts on my wrists and slip on some white hightops.I put my hair in a half up-half down look and put on a little makeup to finish eveything off.

I walk out of the house and let the warm air surround me.I take a deep breath in before walking down my driveway.As i walk past Justin's house,I see Pattie in the garden.I try and walk past quickly before she can see me but it's too late.

"Ariana!"Pattie yells,smiling.

I inwardly punch her in the face but put on the best fake smile i can manage and greet her back,"Hey Pattie."

"How have you been,feeling better?"She smiles sweetly.

"Yeah."I nod,beginning to walk away.

"Oh thats good sweetie,hey before you go.."I hold back a sigh and stop walking and turn around to face her again,"Have you spoken to Justin lately?"

"um,no...We aren't really speaking.."I shrug.

"That explains it.."She mumbles to herself.

"Sorry?"I say confused.

"He's just been..I don't know..Different.He stays in his room all day and when he's not in his room he's out doing god-knows-what.I know he liked you a lot."She sighs..

"Oh.."I say,feeling guilty..I shake it off,"Well,I'll see you later,Pattie."

"Bye."She waves.

I wave back before walking away.

I make my way to starbucks,pushing Pattie's words to the back of my head.Starbucks comes into sight,I breath a sigh of relief.

I cross the road and freeze at the sight infront of me.

Maddie making out with some boy..

Let me tell you about Maddie..

Maddie is the most popular girl in school,and she's very stereo-typical to say the least,long blonde hair,bright blue eyes,very pretty.Rich,short skirts,great body,and bitchy....Very bitchy.

My demons{Jariana/Justin and ariana}Where stories live. Discover now