A Blast from the past

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Kara Danvers' P.O.V

I had just flown into the DEO after getting the news about a new alien that was being brought in today. I landed and walked over to Winn and Alex who were standing by the console glaring at Mon-El. I smiled and looked over at Imra I had been feeling bad about what happened between Oliver and Mon-El. I walked over to My Best friend and Sister and looked at them

"Stop it you two," I said before walking away again only for Winn to follow

"Hey, Hey! How are you doing, buddy?"Winn asked I knew he was talking about Mon-El being 

"I'm Fine Winn," I said making him look at me and smile

"Morning Everyone, Now we have a new prisoner coming in today. She is not our typical guest. She can be Dangerous so stay sharp"J'onn said as A few guards walked in with a cloaked figure(Up top). 

"Oh, She looks Fun, "Winn said making me look at him and shake my head. She looked straight at me and smiled in relief

"Oh, there you are."She said making me look confused

"Uh...Uh...Who, me?"I said making her give this look that made me wonder if she was related to the Music Meister.

"Yes, Kara Danvers. I have been looking for you. For a while now"The Alien said making me look over at Alex, Winn, Mon-El, Imar, and J'onn and shrugged before looking back at her. And when I did boy did I regret it because as soon as I made eye contact her eyes glowed silver and everything after that was kinda a blur.

~The Room of Past, Present, and Future~

I woke up and looked around to see that I was in a kinda dark room that had little lighting as if I was in a movie theater. The room had about 51 chairs in the middle of it and a huge movie screen I looked around and saw I was by myself until a bright light appear and 8 people came out I looked to see I was my team (J'onn, Alex, Maggie, Winn, James, Lena, Mon-El, Imra, and Clark)

"Guys, what are you doing here?"I asked as I walked over to them

"No clue after you passed out we all go whammed," Alex said making me look at her

"Okay then," I said walking over to the chairs and seeing My name on the chairs I was in the middle and I could tell that Barry was coming because His name was in a chair next to mine.

"Please have a seat and wait for the show to begin, " A voice said making us seat down in the seats that had our names on them. A bright light appeared and 8 more people came out I looked closely and saw It was The Flash Team(Barry, Iris, Wally, Joe, Harry, Jesse, Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin)

"Barry, what are you doing here?"I said getting up hugged him and the rest of his team

"No Clue one moment we are talking the Condor and the next a Female jumped out of this portal, " Barry said making me look at my team

"Let me guess she was wearing a Black cape with a cloak," I said making Barry Nod

"Yep," Barry said making me look at him

"So I guess you will be sitting anywhere," I said to everyone but Barry

"Okay," Barry said just another bright light pops up and 9 more people stumbled out I looked to see my handsome boyfriend and the rest of the Arrow team(Oliver, Thea, Slade, Malcolm, Laurel, Quentin, Diggle, Lyla, and Felicity)

"Ollie Queen," I said making the tall male look over at me and smile as he walked over and kiss my forehead before pulling me into a hug

"Hello gorgeous," Oliver said making me smile as another light pops up and 9 more people came out I could see it was the Team of Legends(Sara, Amaya, Ray, Zuri, Dr. Stein, Jax, Mick, Nate, and Lily)

"Sara Lance it is good to see you," I said making her laugh as she walked over to me

"Right back at you, Angel," Sara said as the team took a seat. A small light popped out and one of the 51 chairs disappeared and there were only 50 chairs.

"We are almost ready for the show please be seated and get ready to enjoy," The voice from early said making me look at my friends. I looked behind them to see a Bright light and another group of 17 people showed my eyes went wide and I saw it was the group of friends that I once had when I was someone before Supergirl

"Oh my Gosh, Marley is that you?" Kitty said making me look around to see everyone but Barry looking confused

"Hi," I said making everyone look at me

"Please take your seats the show is about to begin," The voice said as the lights dimmed down and the screen turned on.


It might not make sense but I hope you enjoy

This is slightly updated and for those who are confused let me explain a little, this a book based on the Unmatched Records series by WritersBlock039, nothing too crazy just something like if the Arrowverse were to crossover with Glee kinda thing and I wanted to, and in the fact that this is after Oliver, Laurel, Slade and Malcolm got Kara's necklace back.

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