I should feel honored

lyra jr 🏐
it truly is an honor

lyra jr 🏐
if I wanted to end you I would've

damn okay

Ki set down her phone on the arm of the couch with a smile as she glanced back down to Lyra sleeping.

Her mouth was hanging slightly open, her hair almost falling in as it draped over her cheek. Ki wanted to laugh at the tangles that were forming from her falling out curls, but instead she just admired her messy morning self in its rarest form.

Then as if a mystical alarm clock was set off across the universe, the phone dangled on the edges of Lyra's fingertips started buzzing.

She quickly jerked her head up off of Ki's lap, her hair becoming evidently worse as she leaned up worriedly, bringing her phone up to her face.

Ki saw the screen as she held it up.


"Ugh." Lyra plopped back down in Ki's lap, pressing the red deny button as she held the phone out in front of her face.

"Not gonna pick that up?" Ki mumbled as Lyra settled back into the couch, awake but barely holding on to consciousness.

"No." She grumbled into Ki's leg, flopping the phone down on the couch beside her.

"Does she know where you are?"

"I'm sure Gabby told her." She waved it off as she let her arm fall back over the side of the couch. "What time is it?"

"Like almost 10."

"Damn that's early." She yawned into the side of Ki's knee.

"Early? You know Shori woke up at 5 to go to work... now that's early." Ki giggled as she grabbed a section of Lyra's hair and pulled it back towards her neck.

"Ew, why is he even working today?"

"Overtime. He's been all over it for the wedding." She tucked it all loosely behind her ear.

"Oh... right."

"Andi is still upstairs though, so no throwing parties." Ki smiled down at her girlfriend.

"Oh yeah, like I want to throw a party." Lyra rolled her eyes and attempted to hold back her smile.

"What do you want to do today though? I've got absolutely nothing planned, and Andi is most likely going to be grading papers and catching up on Supergirl all day."

"Can I surprise you?" Lyra turned her head over so that she was looking up at Ki, albeit upside down.

"How are you going to surprise me? We're at my house and driving my car."

"Yeah, okay well... I don't know... can I drive?"

"Drive the Jeep?"

"Yeah." Lyra whispered hesitantly.

"No." Ki almost felt bad with her immediate response.

of all the starsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora