Chapter 5 : The Omen

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Now, 3 days have past. I've been in a safe house deep beneath this godforsaken studio, trying to hold on for as long as I can. I've been through hell and back since I came here, I've been chased by an ink demon, I almost got sacrificed by a ink monster of what I could guess was Sammy Lawrence, and giant black blob monsters rising from puddles of ink, and I've witnessed dozens of Boris clones cafes open and dead. What the heck was Joey doing !? I swear once I find a way out of here, and that's if there even is, Joey's gonna be hearing from my lawyers, and I've got butt load of questions for him. I think I may be going a little crazy down here too. I've been trapped down here for three days straight and I have nothing but myself to hang onto, and I've almost forgotten what water tasted like, I hadn't drank or eaten any real food since I came here, the only things I can manage to eat is bacon soup, which isn't that bad, and I learnt to drink from the ink to quench my thirst, and surprisingly it isn't that bad. I just sad at the table with a bowl of bacon soup and spoon in hand
" know, it's funny nobody actually buys this crap anymore."?
I looked up to the empty chair on the other side of the table. Great. Now I'm talking to myself. What next ? Ami gonna lose my sanity ? Or even my life.

No. I can't stay here forever, I need to press on, it's all I know to do at this point, and I swear it's honestly pretty lonely down here,not having anybody to talk to at all. All I got is myself and my thoughts. Honestly, ever since I had that dream about Alice, I've been in a bit of trance, it was like a fantasy brought to life, and it may just be some kinda omen. My mind was then clouded with the thought that I can't stay here, I need to get out of here no matter the consequences. I did manage to find plenty of weapons in this safe house, mostly a gent pipe and or a crowbar, so I'm perfectly armed when searchers come or any other ink monsters. I decide to finish up my bacon soup, get myself ready, and I exit the safe house. To this day I actually do really like Alice ? And began thinking, if the ink machine is able to bring characters like Bendy and Boris to life, then surely their must be some sort of inky or reanimated Alice angel somewhere, maybe I can find one and can aid me in my quest, Alice Angel was always so pure and kind hearted asa toon, so there's no reason she should be like everyone else down here..right?

Note : hey guys, I know this chapter may have been short, and I also skipped past the events of chapter 2, I wanted to the point where we first enter chapter 3 and met Alice for the first time (since that is what this story is about) so now that we're in chapter 3, we can finally get to the good.

Note 2 : also notice I somehow lost my previous Wattpad account and I still don't know why, so I had to re upload and rewrite this entire story and re publish it, so newer chapters may take longer then expected..

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