Chapter 4 : Alice's world

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My body woke to the sounds of those old 30's songs playing in my head. If can't hear right, it's actually one of Alice Angel's old tunes. I then opened my eyes staring at what is supposed to be the sky, only it's completely grey.
I then stood up finding myself in a open field, but something was very off. The grass was not green, it was a white grayish color and the scenery was all in black and white 30's color. I began to think I had gone colorblind when I fell asleep but no, I was somehow inside the old 1930's universe of the Bendy universe. Yes. I was literally inside the Bendy cartoon universe, and it was like wearing virtual reality goggles only I was literally inside the cartoon. I walked and looked around the scenery trying to process and figure out what was going on, and why I'm inside this world, I even had a 1930's toon body and appearance. But then, I stopped once I saw her...

It's Alice Angel ! The toon version of course, sitting in the air on a cloud, looking straight down at me, and giggling. Was this a dream ? It has to be a dream, there is now way I could get inside a world where my favorite character was here with me.

She then stood on both her feet with blank black Pac-Man styled eyes and black lips, as she then walked towards me in equal height, and she held out her white gloved hand and winked, gesturing to dance. I could remember from her old posters on the walls of Sammy's old musician room, saying she sings and dances, but my favorite part was her singing. I could remember when I'd sit in the studios during break hours, hearing her singing a heavenly chore beautifully on screen even though it was Susie behind the voices, I kinda saw them as the same person too. While also joining with Boris the wolf and Bendy the dancing demon himself. Now I was going to dance with Alice Angel, I felt excitement and adrenaline run through my brain as I then took her hand, and also taking her other hand and dancing with her through the fields without a care in the world, and from the beginning I was expecting some kinda evil fever dream to come outta nowhere, due to the events that happened currently. You know, with the ink overflowing and flooding the entire studio and Joey sent me a letter to come back here ? But no, that didn't seem to be happening at all on this strange turn of events, I was simply dancing with Alice, while also flying with her in the grey sky and it felt so real, heck even touching the clouds of the sky felt real flying with Alice, as so did the wind blowing in my face felt real. I soon came to a conclusion to where we both landed on ground, still holding her in my (each other's) arms, as Alice had spread her wings and resting her hands on my shoulders and looking at me with great impression, as her black eyes then shut, and her lips perked together and she took a kiss on my lips for 2 seconds and coming back narrow with my face with red cheeks (though her cheeks were white).
I could not believe this. I suddenly awoke in a world different from my own, got to dance and fly with Alice, and also kiss her. It felt rather confusing or just weird, ever since I met Susie and was introduced to Alice, I always saw Alice Angel (and Susie Campbell) as my own best friend/heavenly mother, but now, she's my lover ? I all of a sudden felt flattery and love interest her afterwards and we both continued to dance, while also receiving another kiss.
But then, a dark shadowy figure then arose towering over us both, I then looked up facing the shadow, Alice herself then became absolutely horrified and she then quivered in fear burying her face into my chest holding me tightly, as I wrapped my arms around her, protecting her, as the figure then reached out with a dark black hand, reaching for me. Both of us the blacked out into darkness..

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