Chapter 34: Ronnie

Start from the beginning

                “Yeah, why?”  I ask my voice cracking.

                “Well, Carson isn’t going to do anything to get him back.  She just wants to leave him.” 

                “What!”  I scream almost jumping up but remembering the ice pack on my leg and steady myself.  “What do you mean?  She’s just going to leave him to die?  But he’s her brother!”

                “We know, we were all shaken up about it.”  Kimberley says.  Then there’s a pause.  “Most of us any way.”

                “Hey, we are so pissed that Carson isn’t going to do anything!”  Blake’s voice snaps.  “Don’t act like we aren’t.”

                “Sorry,” Kimberley says angrily.  “Anyway.  I’ve decided on one thing but I need you to agree with me.”

                I think for a moment of what she might be talking about but nothing comes to mind.  “What?”  I ask giving up.

                “I’m going after Logan.  And it would be a lot easier if you came with me.”  My heart stops.  My mind is whirling in all different directions.  Trying to find Logan, by ourselves, not even wondering what lurks out in the world? 

                “Ronnie?”  Someone calls into the phone.  The voice belongs to Jason.  He has a deeper voice than the rest.  “You still there.”

                “Sorry,” I say coming back to reality.  “Yeah, what?  Kimberley, that’s flat out idiotic.  Not to mention down, right dangerous.  What made you think of that?”

                I don’t hear anything for a long moment.  “Kimberley?”  I say

                “Logan saved our lives once, maybe it’s time to return the favor.  We can’t just allow him to suffer like that.”

                “But Kimberley, aren’t you afraid you will die.  You could never come back.” 

                “Well,” she sighs, “then my duty on this Earth is over.  If I die out there then I die.  But if my heart is still beating then I’m still living.  So I’m going, how about you?”

                I sigh for a minute taking the phone away from my ear.  I look around at the living room.  If I leave I could never come back.  Never see Jama again, or Danni, or this house, or the Lodge.  I will soon fade away.  But Logan is worth it.  He is my family.  I put the phone back up to my ear sigh once as I make my final decision.  “I’m going with you.  I will help you bring Logan back.” 

                I hear her sigh in relief and press the speaker button on again.  “Told you she would come with me.”  Kimberley says. I can tell she’s smiling, she has that I knew it voice. 

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