Chapter 6 - Burn witch?

Start from the beginning

Liam swallowed. “Colonel, you can’t be serious. That would put a blind spot…” Zeb interrupted his assistant. “We already have a blind spot. Every department is checking every department, no exceptions. Not even me. I want IT to double check the whole infrastructure.” Liam looked at his Boss in disbelief. “Code Blue?” Zeb nodded. “Code Blue. There is a high possibility that this service is infiltrated. We need to find the traitors.”

Liam took a deep breath. “Alright.” he scurried out of the room, calling loudly for his secretary. The door slammed shut and Zeb turned to the man in front of his desk. “What exactly do you want and why are you helping us?” he asked carefully. The mans smile maybe got even more evil. “Revenge. And you are the one who will carry it out.”


The big dragon descended slowly to the house surrounded by a crowd. Fiona scowled. “This seems awfully like a Lynch mob. And is that a stake? Is this a “burn the witch” - event?” she asked the dragon, who looked carefully before a rumbling started in his chest. “Illuminatus?” the dryad asked warily before she realized that the dragon was laughing. The rumbling grew and Fiona felt like she was riding one of those human roller coasters. She prayed that the human woman still was unconscious - and stayed this way.

“Illuminatus?” she asked again. The dragon finally managed to breathe. “They….are trying to burn witch. A FIRE WITCH.” With that he started to laugh again and Fiona realized that indeed those silly humans were attempting to burn a fire witch. She started to laugh. “Wait. I want to see this.” she asked Illuminatus. The dragon answered immediately. “Wouldn’t want to miss this.”

They didn’t have to wait for long. The big pile of wood was almost finished, the stake was held in place when a pompous looking man stepped right in front of the porch but Fiona noticed that he didn’t dare to step onto the porch. He took a deep breath while his minions were silently standing behind him. They looked almost medieval, with carrying torches and forks, if not for the gas canisters some of them carried.

“Thou shall not suffer a witch to live” the man started and the dryad heard the slight chuckle of the dragon. “I know I know. That’s getting old, isn’t it?” Grinning she went on to listen to the strange figure.

“Carla the witch. Are you willing to steer back from the way of the Satan and embrace the love of the Lord? Then step out willingly on this pile of wood, so your soul may find peace in the arms of the Lord.”

Fiona listened carefully. She didn’t want to miss a single word. She didn’t have to, because Carlas answer was loud and clear: “Oh come on. Just because you didn’t get laid the other day you are now trying to kill me? Don’t you think this is slightly overboard? What is about the good old sulking?” The man puffed up his chest and answered: “I have no idea what you are talking about. A man of god will never lay with a Satans bride.” he stated gravely.

Carla burst out in a laughing fit. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that you little drunkard. First you hit on David, the male dryad, and when he told you he don’t like humans that way you tried to hit on me. What are your minions thinking about a gay pastor?” she chuckled.

The man in front of her sensed the tension behind him. “ENOUGH OF YOUR FILTHY LIES. THOU SHALL NOT SUFFER A WITCH TO LIVE!” he thundered. “AND SO THIS DAY IS YOUR JUDGMENT DAY.” he took one of the torches and threw it at the porch. The wood clearly was doused in gasoline because the fire immediately started to spread over the whole porch. Carla didn’t move one limb to avoid the fire, a strange smile at her lips.

“And so you set your own fate, holy man.” she said, before she closed her eyes. “And that of your minions.” Carla added, before she took one of the flames in her own hand. Absentmindedly she played with the little flame, which almost seem to dance in her hand. Concentrated at the flame she said, her gaze far away. “Did you realize that you tried to burn a fire witch?” her now sharp gaze nailed the humans at their place. “And did you further realize that the times are long gone that witches allow anybody to harm them?” the mass in front of her looked at her like a herd of sheeps who got caught by a wolf. Carlas smile got strange, almost cruel. “Time to learn, humans.”

With those words she threw the flame to the first man who stood in front of her porch. The flame, now in a searing hot white color, spread rapidly and covered the man completely. He opened his mouth in a silent scream, but it was over that quickly that he fell into ashes in mere seconds. The flame jumped back to Carlas hand. The flames at the porch were now illuminating the ghost like scenery. Fiona took a double take and was impressed: The flames just illuminated the scenery, they didn’t burn the wooden porch.

The human crowd was petrified. And so Carla had an easy game when she tossed flame after flame into them with deadly precision. Finally the remaining people awakened out of their stupor. Screams filled the air where the panicked humans tried to get as much space between them and their wannabe victim.

Carla didn’t hold back, and slowly one human after another disappeared into ashes. The last remaining woman, aside the preacher, was Maddie. She ran in panic as fast as she could, but Carlas flame was quicker than every human. Her silent last cry went to the high heavens she wanted to sent Carla in before the slight breeze blew away the remaining ashes.

Only the preacher was left, shocked beyond reasoning about the outcome. He never thought that Carla would go that far, in fact he didn’t even think for a second. He acted out of his hatred and bad judgment. His terrified gaze followed each of the steps the witch now made towards him, her fingers covered in flames.

“Fire is my element.” she purred. “Burning a fire witch is like carrying owls to Athens: Pointless.” She let the flame nip at his cheek. An angry red mark showed up and he was covered in sweat. Carla looked at him, grinning viciously.

“BUH” she said and the preacher squeaked almost like a pig before turning around and running away as fast as he could. “I’m coming back.” he threatened but when Carla lifted her arm he paled and ran even faster, the laughter of the witch haunting him with every step he ran. After a few he became slower, panting heavily. Carla took a flame and sent it behind the man, nipping at his calves whenever he dared to slow down. And despite his lack of breath the preacher run for dear life.

When he was out of sight, the dragon landed gracefully at the lawn, his tail swishing at the ashes. “That was fun.” he snorted but sobered up quickly. “That could’ve been a good meal if you were a better cook” he scolded her. Carla grinned at the big beast. “Oh come on. I’m sure there is better food for you to find.” The dryad suddenly jumped from the dragon back, right in front of the witch who took a closer look at the remaining passenger.

“Fiona? What are you doing with a sleeping human at a dragon back?” Carla asked her, scowling. Fiona smiled. “She’s a nurse. She knows how to heal. Besides that she is my mate, but can we keep that as a secret for now? She’s terrified enough. Oh, and we need you and David. And your little cat shifter.”

Carla looked at the eager dryad questioningly. “If Illuminatus is carrying you it is important. What’s up, Fiona?” the dryad beamed at her. “Becka has her warrior. And he demands a hospital.” Carla narrowed her eyes. “Is this one of your antics again, dryad?” she asked harshly, but Fiona shook her head fiercely. “No. It’s not. I swear. Right now they are building up the Headquarter. Carla, we are really gathering together.”

Carla looked at Fiona, thinking quickly. Then she seemed to came to a decision. “Alright. We are coming.” She looked at the dragon. “Give me the place.” Illuminatus locked his gaze with the witch. After a while she nodded. “We can find this. We meet you at the clearing, Fiona.” The dryad saluted mockingly. “If I were you I would leave that place pretty soon. It is highly unlikely that this dumb preacher is coming back with fire again. This time he might drown you.” Carla shuddered. “Brrrr. Water. Yeah, I think you are right. I’m leaving within the next minutes.”

Fiona jumped back on Illuminatus back. “Be careful out there. The hunters are gone, but that doesn’t mean it is safe now.” Carla just nodded before heading back to her house.

Illuminatus jumped up and soared up to the sky, heading for the new headquarter.

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