Lost Pencil (The Origins)

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This pencil. This amazing pencil helped me get through many classes. Essay after Essay. Test after Test. It was there for me. It seemed like I would have this pencil forever, even though I knew that was impossible.

I just felt like I could never lose it. Until one unlucky day. I lost it. Well, someone else did. You see, someone was in desperate need of a pencil. I always have a back up pencil for anyone who needs one but I made a mistake and gave them my favorite pencil.

Once I realized the horrible mistake, I ran over to the student who appeared to be using a pen?! I asked him "Where's my pencil?" and what came out of his mouth almost caused me to have a heart attack. "I lost it." He said so calmly. So unconcerned. So unfazed. And I, almost feeling quite faint, pulled myself together long enough to ask the inevitable "How?" "I don't know, I just left it on the table and came to pick it up and then it wasn't there." He said it so calm.

The room started to look blurry and my balance began to give way. Was I being too dramatic? Nah, this was too serious to be under dramatic. This was important.

I began to look for it all over the classroom. But to no avail, my favorite pencil was lost. And I know some took it deliberately. I just knew. And I was determined to find out who.

*I may add more to this part I'm not sure yet*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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