[20] Painting the Town Red

Start from the beginning

Weiss was still falling after jumping once more to get some range but was struck by a rocket that sent her flying. Slayer was finally up and was able to pull out a Rocket Launcher from the bag and sent a rocket which stunned the mech. Yet while Weiss was falling, she used her semblance to make a small glyph which was much different and was matching some type of clock-like mechanism. With that ignored, Blake began to slice the Rockets in half with ease, speeding up before stopping which the split rockets exploded right behind her. "Ladybug!" Ruby zoomed past as she swung her scythe upward and rammed it into the lower half of the Mech and flipped while Blake too followed up and attacked while Ruby ran back and used her scythe to repeat with Blake on the left foot before jumping into the air and flying down before removing the left arm of the Mech.

That's when Yang decided to make her entrance. Running up as she leaped and grabbed onto the Mech before sending round after round after round into the top of the mech. With Torchwick groaning, he manipulated the mech to jump backward and slam into multiple Pillars which one stopped it and nearly crushed yang. Unknowingly, Slayer began to feel a small surge of strength which wasn't coming from his aura. Focusing the sudden surge to his legs, he rushed towards the Mech as fast as possible to try and save Yang, but the Mech was a bit too fast with Weapon suddenly turning into a fist and punching Yang. Combined with the damage she took with the Shot earlier and the ramming into multiple Pillars, she surely would have had either passed out or worse, Died. "Slayer, wait!" Ruby tried to call out to him but he ignored it and jumped with a fist ready. The mech's arm tried to reset itself to counter with its own punch but was unable to do so as the Slayers fist has already slammed into the cockpit which sent it stumbling back multiple steps and a fist-sized hole where Torchwick would be in. 

Yang was able to recover, her hair shining and her eyes red with anger. Looking up, she saw the Slayer land and crack his knuckles. "Damned kids.." Torchwick said with anger present as he reeled the Fist back with the intent to slam it into the Slayer. Yet yang had another idea. Moving forth and pumping the aura into her legs, she was able to move pretty quick and was thankfully in time to stop in front of the Slayer and stop the punch. "Thanks, Slayer. Let me.." Yang paused, reeling her fist back as she gritted her teeth. "Repay you!" Yang exclaimed as she matched it with the punch which easily broke the arm of the Mech. With Torchwick having no arms for the mech, he lashed out with a kick that slammed into Yang and the Slayer which sent the two flying right past Ruby and Blake. "Bumblebee!" Ruby ordered as Blake turned and threw her weapon which Yang grabbed. Yet the Slayer wasn't as lucky as her as he was sent tumbling along the ground before stopping and standing right up.

Pulling on the Rope, it made a whip-like noise as Blake spun Yang to hit Torchwick. However, Torchwick was able to dodge with a simple backstep. "We need to slow it down." Ruby threw an idea into the air as Weiss landed next to her after jumping from her previous position. "And how do you propose we do that?" Weiss asked as Ruby was thinking before catching one in thin air. "Ice Flower." Ruby simply stated as Weiss spun with Ruby too spinning before slamming her Scythe into the Ground. Weiss, however, made multiple Glyphs as Ruby shot a bullet through all three. With the bullet slamming into the Mech, a large ice-like structure was formed as Ruby began to fire more which too proved to do the same thing. With Torchwicks mech being frozen, Yang used a Blast from her Ember Celica to boost her one last time before ramming her fist into the Cockpit of the mech which sent it flying and breaking apart like lego pieces.

Torchwick fell out but was able to recover as he patted himself down from any dust or remnants of the Mech. "Just got this thing cleaned!" Torchwick whined as Slayer pulled out his Plasma Pistol. He wasn't going to kill Torchwick... Yet. With yang pulling her fist back and firing off a shot with Slayer too, shooting his Plasma Pistol, A female woman with an Umbrella came out of nowhere and was able to block the shot, a black, yellow, and blue smoke like a flame (thing, I forgot what its called) Residue surrounding the Umbrella before it faded. With it being risen up and placed onto her shoulder, she smirked at the group as Torchwick walked up right next to her. "Ladies, ice queen." Torchwick taunted as Weiss let off a small 'Hey!'. "Always a pleasure." Torchwick taunted as he gave a mock salute. Before he could continue, the Slayer rushed forth with a fist full of anger before swinging it. It collided.. but not the way it should have as the two suddenly turned to glass. With everyone being curious, a Bulkhead's turbine engine caught his ear as he looked over to see the two retreating.

That's when the Slayer pulled out his Rocket Launcher but proved to be fruitless as they were too far away. With a growl, he placed it back into the pack as the others rushed up next to him. "So I guess he got new henchmen," Yang said as Weiss.. was going to do something very un-Weiss like. "Yeah. I guess he made our plans.." She paused as everyone looked over with her looking between everyone. "Fall apart?" Weiss punned as Blake simply walked away and Ruby stifled a laugh. "No. Just no." Yang said as she shifted her weight to her right leg. "What? But you do it!" Weiss countered as Yang placed a hand onto her hip. "There's a time and a place for jokes." Yang said before Weiss removed a hand from her hip. "Was this not it?" She asked as Yang walked away. "No, it just was bad," Yang stated as she walked. "Well, at least I'm trying," Weiss muttered as Ruby decided to bring something up. "Wait, where are Sun and Neptune?" That was something that the Slayer decided to ignore as he too walked away with Ruby following.

Today has been a rather eventful day... Wasn't it?


1979 Words. Well, I'm improving somehow. Anyways, leave a comment if theres any problem on the story and all that. 

As for the reason I haven't posted in a while, it was because of IRL issues. From my dog, to school, etc. Not only that. but I'm tempted to start up a Crysis/RWBY story, Titanfall II/RWBY Story. Hell, even a Skyrim/RWBY Story too!

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