New available characters

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It's been a while since I posted here, this is mostly due to the fact that I have school and I tend to work on other things, not only that but it takes a while to draw the characters responses so yeah.

Now I'm adding more extra weight by adding two more characters, I hinted their appearances in the first page but never really put out the look.

Here you go

Scarlet and Lohan!

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Scarlet and Lohan!

Now you're probably going to say "CG why didn't you just introduce them in the first place." and it's because, I hadn't read "Necropolis" which is the book where we get introduced to these two. Me being the type of person I am I didn't want to put two characters I don't know much about in a QnA book without knowing they really act, and the wiki doesn't help much when trying to figure out a character's personality.

Scarlett: Where are?!

Me: Weird, usually this stuff doesn't happen.

Lohan: Who are you?

Me: Hello you two I am now part of your daily lives and plan to bother you with questions that people are asking.

Scarlett: -_- I want out, where's the door?

Me: There is no door, you are now bound to this book until I discontinue it or forget about it.

Scarlett: Motherfu-

Me: *interrupts*Hey hey! This is a PG account!

Anyways, I am changing the timeline so spoilers to people who want to read the book.


Now this is still going to take place near the end of the book which means Scarlett is going to get shot but the door breaking and them ending up 10 years into the future separated doesn't happen. Instead they all end up in London at their right time but Scarlett is still hurt so they go to the hospital which is where we will be picking up. So Scarlett can't really answer questions but only for one page.

*Spoiler end*

Now that this is cleared up let's get back to our story.

Scarlett: I don't know who you're talking to but I'm going to say this to them, SEND HELP!

Sorry if the only thing that's been put out was a new available characters thing but I'm been busy with school work and trying not to fail life, I promise that next time I will answer a new question if you're interested. PEACE OUT!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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