E I G H T E E N ~ Lana Clarke

Start from the beginning

 "I wasn't going to say that... I couldn't help it," I murmured while my face immediately flushed.

 Olette nodded her head, understanding. "I know. Come on, let's go back to them."

 Walking back, Eli and Landon were still by the front of the restaurant and appeared to be stuck in a conversation. When I ask Olette if we interrupted them, Olette mentioned that they already finished dinner. This caused curiosity to build up within me and I wanted to know how it went. Olette would always squeeze out every possible detail from me, it would be interesting to switch for once. Olette gave me a little wink and promised to spill everything later. We agreed on a more appropriate time.

 Once the boys noticed we were close by, they turned their attention to us. Eli gave me a wave and I smiled back. Even though his hair was a little disheveled by the waters, he still looked good. The thing was, I probably looked like a mess, but it didn't bother me at all. Was I that comfortable with Eli Wesley?

 Throwing Landon a look, he does this thing where he squints his eyes at me with an awkward grin on his face. I figured he thought I'd be mad, but I played along saying that we'll talk later. It was funny how I felt like the older sibling at the moment. As Olette approached Landon's side, I then looked over at Eli.

 I suggested gently, "We should get going, huh?" Eli nodded in agreement.

 Turning back to the incoming couple, we dismissed the once awkward encounter and said our goodbyes. Olette signaled that she'll call me later and I grinned, returning that she should just enjoyed her time with Landon. Eli and I walked off toward the parking area to call it a day. 

 Today was rather eventful. I always find myself surprised whenever I'm with Eli.

 Breaking the quiet atmosphere, Eli chuckled. "That was unexpected. Did you have any clue about it?"

 Looking into his brown eyes, I answered sincerely, "Yes and no. The two would always flirt and all, but I never knew it would happen this soon. I'm happy with them though."

 Eli nodded. "I knew Olette was crushing on Landon for a while too."

 My eyes widened. "You did?"

 "Yep." He grinned. "Interesting way to end the day."

 If Eli could see that Olette has feelings towards my brother, was he able to tell that I was growing feelings towards him too? Shaking my thoughts away, I let out a small laugh.

 "It was. Hey, Eli?"

 Eli gave me a curious look as he reached for his keys in his pocket.

 Pulling an extra strand of hair behind my ear before placing my hands in the pockets of my jacket, I revealed, "Before we bumped into Olette and Landon, you never finished what you were about to say."

 An embarrassed look spread across Eli's face. He finally responded to what felt like forever, "That I really like being with you."

                                                     ☽        ☽        ☽

 As I finished dinner with Dad and Landon, I was actually relived that this Friday deemed a regular day. For a while now, I felt like so many surprises came my way. Maybe I just wasn't use to it, but it was nice to spend time with Dad today and have a nice supper with the family. Dad told his usual jokes, causing the overall atmosphere to liven up. 

 The moment I closed the kitchen faucet shut, Dad then asked, "Is it true that Landon and Olette are dating?" 

 Landon nearly choked on his water, hearing Dad gossip. We shared another laugh as I nodded for Landon. As if Dad couldn't transition the mood any more awkward, I was put into the spotlight when he asked about Eli.

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