take a look in the mirror and cry

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HELLO ROYALTY! just wanted to let y'all know that i don't plan on doing frequent Joe POV's okay? if you're not okay w that pls let me know :)

Ben's POV again

Ben saw Joe leave the shop and for a split second got lost on his imagination on where could he be going. Was it to a meeting? A job interview? The airport maybe? That question was probably never going to be answered, but it was still worth thinking about it. The thought didn't meander on his mind for much, after all he had more orders to take.
From the people in line, Ben met a director, a businesswoman, a 17 year old non-binary photographer and many more interesting people. He was accommodating himself in the uniqueness of humanity when the most beautiful woman he had ever seen stopped in front of the counter.
— Hi can I have a chai latte please?
Ben was speechless for a second, staring at her heart shaped mouth carefully enunciate the words.
— Uh yeah, of course! I mean, what size?
— Medium, please.
— Perfect. Can I get your name? — Ben said as a habit — For the order! Can I have your name for the order!
He was all over himself and that girl made him nervous. The pixie brown locks, the green almond eyes with doll lashes, her rosy cheeks and her killer smile were putting him on edge.
And there it was, the killer smile showing itself to him.
— It's Maddie, you can have it for the order and for whatnot. — She laughed discretely — What's your name?
— I'm Ben, nice to meet you.
— My pleasure Ben.
She was a Killer Queen, that was Ben's single thought. He smiled at her for a quick second before hearing Gwil fake coughing to bring him back to reality.
— Oh um, that will be £4.25 Maddie.
Maddie placed the bill on the counter and stepped aside for the next customer.
Ben wasn't one to have random crushes on girls, he was more into guys anyway, but Maddie was stunning; Her skin was gold and the dimples made her look like her laughter would melt your heart — it sure melted Ben's— and her green eyes were a different shade compared to Ben's own, and he loved that. Gwil handed the cup to him and there he wrote "From: Ben
To: Maddie ;)" with a winky face. He hoped she'd get the irony of the face and not think he was a pervert. He handed the cup to Maddie and went outside for a smoke and to have his precious ham sandwich he had been waiting for. As he lit the cigarette he heard a familiar voice:
— I have to leave, but i thought i owed you this.
She handed the cup over to Ben, which initially made him very confused, until he saw the digits written in green underneath Maddie's name. His smile grew bigger as the girl left, in a rush for God knows what.
Ben ran back inside, couldn't contain his excitement even if he tried to. His chances ar relationships were always pretty low and he could never seem to catch actual feelings for people he would eventually see, and he hoped that Maddie was a change on that reality.
— Gwil she gave me her number! — Ben shouted — She actually gave me her number and I didn't even ask!
— That's fantastic Ben! What was her name again? Mary? Mandie?
— It's Maddie you twat! Maddie and her killer smile... — Ben couldn't stop thinking about it — I think i'm going to ask her out.
— I hope so, because I don't think she gave you her number just for you to keep it.
— Aw, shut up Gwil. — At this point Ben giggled with excitement
— I love you too, Ben
And they returned to their work, a little distracted but they did.
Ben was star struck, he was not in love but the mere idea of getting out of the same old days excited him, and Maddie would be a — literally — beautiful change.
Gwil worked full time on weekends, but on weekdays he worked only until 1:30pm so he could sleep some hours before going to school (he was in night college and his lack of eye bags still amazed everyone), so Ben had to stay on his own — the other dude who worked in the afternoon shift was so quiet Ben barely remembered him sometimes — until 5:30pm, so essentially he had four hours with Gwil and four hours on his own, time enough to chat but also time enough to clear the head. He went on with his day, and about twenty minutes before the coffeeshop closed, the dude from the morning, Joe, came in running again.
— Hey, are you guys still open?
— Hey, welcome back! Yeah mate, we close in twenty minutes though.
— Okay great! Can I have that spanish coffee from earlier? plus toast with cheese please.
— Getting a cortado for you and a fresh toast then, Joe!
— You remember my name?
— Yeah absolutely! I mean, the american accent sort of stood out for me. — Ben smiled and watched Joe do the same — I'm Ben Mate, nice to meet you.
— Nice to meet you Ben, yeah I do notice my accent in the middle of all these british people.
— But you're American right? why are you in England? If you don't mind me asking.
— No it's fine! I was hired by BBC recently, which is basically my dream job, so I moved here. I love it anyways, home of Rock & Roll y'know.
— Yes, absolutely! Queen, Stones, Cream, Beatles! All those bands born in this country, my pride and joy if you may. — Ben laughed at his own Stevie Ray Vaughan reference, and apparently Joe noticed it too
— Yes, but Stevie was american, don't forget!
Joe and Ben chuckled and that memory of earlier about this being a great day payed itself off.
— Yes that's true, but he's not a band, mate! All great bands were born in england and made history going to America, I'd say.
— That's because we're very good at making people buy stuff, including albums and concert tickets! — They both laughed, the conversation flowed so naturally it didn't seem like they just met.
— Well, here's your coffee and your toast — The other employee handed it to Ben — And that's £5.65 Joe
— 65 pence is a weirdly specific amount of pence, but here you go.
Joe payed Ben and took his food, but instead of leaving the place or sitting in a table he just moved a little bit to the side.
— So Ben, tell me more about here.
— Here as in this café or here as in England?
— I guess more like here as in London.
— Well I guess if it's London Calling I have to answer don't I?

lol this was long but i feel like needed, plus i'm not even over with Ben's day lmao i'm just too fucking tired to write it right now
i hope you liked it, i'm having lots of fun writing this :)
love you my darlings, have a great day/night/afternoon/evening/whatever

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