1. Professor Gorgeous

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Damn did I not feel like being here today, trudging down the long halls of FSU. I still felt like freeze-dried death, but here I was, going to class like a good little drone.

Tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind my ear, I fixed my loose, lazy pony tail when I finally reached room 202. Creative writing; one of the only classes I looked forward to.

I was on my second year here, and I had missed the past two days due to an atrocious stomach virus that I surely knew would have been the death of me.  But here I was! It didn't kill me. Whoop-dee-fucking-do! Damn my luck.

I groaned as I pulled the door open, lazily tugging on the overly large purse that was strapped over my shoulder that I used to lug around my tablet and books. I was so not looking forward to a rant for being a minute late.

When I entered the room, I immediately knew something was off. The girls that usually sat in the back were now upfront, gawking at the teacher while they twirled their hair around their fingers. One of them was actually sucking on the end of her pencil.

furrowing my brow, I glanced over to Professor Sternmichael's desk to surprisingly see what the girls had been swooning over. I knew it couldn't have been the balding fifty year old man we had been listening to for the past two years.

A new student was leaned against Mr. Sternmichael's cherry wood desk, a cocky smirk on his face while he watched the girls eye-molest him.

He had to be new. There was no way I could have ever missed him. He looked to be in his mid twenties, late twenties at the oldest, but he probably wasn't that old at all, I'm just really bad at guessing ages.  For some reason he wore a suit and tie, that clung oh so amazingl y to his tight form. You could literally see his muscles beneath the expensive material. Perhaps he wasn't a student after all, but someone working for the school board.

He was downright gorgeous, one of the best looking men I had ever seen. I heated to boiling point when his dark eyes cut towards mine, the smile growing wider on his face when he caught me gawking.

Instantly I shut my mouth that I realized had been partially agape. Feeling like a fool, I attempted to will away the blush that painted my face and throat, but it was no use. He had caught me in the act, and I cleared my throat, averting my eyes away from him.

I didn't need another man in my life. All they did was spell trouble and then use you once they think you're not going anywhere. Men sickened me.

I quickly began heading towards the second row to take my usual spot, hoping he would leave me alone.

To my disappointment, he pushed off of the desk, walking up to me as I attempted to take my seat, but his hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around." His voice washed over me, making me nibble my lip as I looked back up to his obsidian eyes.

"I could say the same about you." I retorted, my embarrassment causing me to be snappy. It was a built in defense mechanism that I had no control over. My mouth had gotten me in trouble ever since the moment I learned how to speak.

I'm not sure why I was so heated over it, all the other girls had been gawking as well, but maybe it's because he's actually speaking to me.

I glanced around his large frame to see the girls in the row ahead scowling back at me. If looks could kill, let's just say I'd be six feet under right now.

He chuckled, revealing his  perfect rows of white teeth that contrasted so well against his tanned skin and stubbled jaw. He finally removed his hand from my shoulder as I glared at, nervously shifting my weight from foot to foot.

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