Cinder: What do you think of the plan?

(Y/N): Did you just add the last part?

Cinder: Neo was going to use another illusion to sneak away, but using you will send a message to all of Vale.

(Y/N): Mom is going to take away all my liquor.

Cinder: We'll get you a stash.

(Y/N): She'll find it.

Cinder: No, she won't.

(Y/N): You don't know the power of a mother.

Once those words left his lips, Cinder gave him a blank stare.

(Y/N): Right, you're an orphan.

Cinder: So, are you going to stick to the plan?

(Y/N): We'll see.

Cinder: Then, I'll let you sleep on it.

Arching an eyebrow, (Y/N) grew a blank until Cinder lowered the sleeve of her dress, making him instantly realize what she had meant.

Walking out of the room, she swayed her hips slightly while (Y/N) followed. Soon enough, the two were in Cinder's room and cuddling under the bed sheet.

The very next night, the plan was put into action. Neo had set out with an illusion cast over her for safety while Roman watched nearby.

Getting close to the back, Neo looked around before jamming the tip of her umbrella into the door lock of the umbrella. Moving it around a little bit, Neo had somehow picked the lock (she broke the lock), allowing her to enter after extending her illusion to the door.

Watching from an alleyway, Roman was waiting for his signal. Though he was worried and clenched his cane as tight as he could. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, observing the surrounding buildings and noting the varied reactions of the citizens.

In the bank, Neo moved around and looked for the security room first, hoping to get rid of the leader of the small band of guards. Eventually, she had found the room and used her umbrella to break the lock on the door. Once inside, she stabbed the officer in the chest and pushed him against the wall until all the life left his eyes.

Looking over the security feeds, she watched a few guards start rushing toward the room she was in, presumably hearing the thud of the guard's body hitting the wall.

Roman: Neo, I'm coming in!

Rushing out of the alleyway, Roman raised his cane and shot at a guard, breaking through one of the bank windows before hitting the guard on the side of their head. Bursting into the bank's entrance, Roman watched as Neo singlehandedly used the blade hidden inside her umbrella to kill the other guards.

(Y/N): Cops are coming, get everything you can.

Hearing the Branwen's voice in both of their right ears, Neo and Roman hurried toward the vault. Blowing off the locking mechanism, Roman hurried through and stuffed his jacket full of cash first before filling up a bag.

Before the first bag was filled, police sirens were already blaring throughout the city and only growing louder near the two crooks.

Roman: Keep getting cash! (Y/N) has us covered!

(Y/N): Do I?

Roman: Don't you dare mess around kid!

There was no answer. Only radio silence.

Roman: Kid!

Again, nothing.

Roman: If this is some joke, I'm going to blow your head off!

Neo paused to look at him. She was both concerned and doubtful, more so the latter.

Roman: Fine, you'll pay for Neo's ice cream for the next month.

Yet again, there was nothing.

Roman: Kid, answer me.

(Y/N): Hm? What were you saying?

Roman: You're paying for Neo's ice cream for a month.

All of a sudden, there was a large explosion heard all over the city. Zipping up the bag, Roman and Neo looked outside, seeing (Y/N) in the middle of passed out policemen and fighting a redhead with bladed gauntlets.

(Y/N): Take it out of my cut!

Kicking away the dark-skinned boy, (Y/N) turned around to block the oncoming blade of Yatsuhashi, both barely budging from their footholds. Twisting the grip on his sword, the black-haired teen stepped to the side and kneed the armor-clad man in the gut.

Turning to look at each other, Roman and Neo immediately ran out of the bank, going unnoticed by the two men trying to fight (Y/N). Staying silent, the two started to run away.

Not noticing them, (Y/N) continued to fight the two Beacon students.

Fox: You son of a bitch!

Moving out of the way, (Y/N)'s eyes started to illuminate with a deadly crimson light. Reaching into his coat, he grabbed a handful of knives, each with his emblem embedded into them.

With a single swing of his arm, (Y/N) had thrown his knives all around the streets and buildings.

(Y/N): No one insults my family.

In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) had rushed through the streets and slashed Fox's chest, dealing quite a large portion of damage to his aura. But before Fox could retaliate, the black-haired teen teleported and slashed Fox's back, breaking his aura.

Then, he targetted Yatsuhashi and quickly broke his aura as well with only a few swings of his sword.

(Y/N): Where are the girls?

Fox: Like we'd tell you, asshole.

Unfortunately, both Velvet and Coco dropped down onto the street right after he had said that.

Fox: Seriously?

Coco: (Y/N), you sure you want to fight two on one?

Teleporting to collect his knives, (Y/N) had stuffed them in his coat before he answered the team leader.

(Y/N): I've done it before.

Coco: Are you going to fight us?

Keeping his semblance activated, (Y/N) gazed over his surroundings. Both Fox and Yatsuhashi held up their weapons and were waiting for him to move. There were unconscious police officers littered throughout the streets. And, he didn't care one bit.

(Y/N): No.

Without any more words, he vanished, leaving the team agitated and relieved.

Fox: I'm going to kill him.

Coco: You'll be lucky he doesn't kill you first.

Velvet: She's right.

Fox: You don't know that!

~ BTYB Fox's Misfortune ~

A/N: So... Fox seems to be having a fun time.

But for those of you who actually keep up with this, I haven't gotten any estimates about story length, so I guess you guys wouldn't care if I just stopped here then.

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