Red and Blue

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The sound of a bat hitting a baseball filled the air.  Everyone at the small field in the park watched as the ball flew across the fence into the dog park. People cheered. The game was over. The winning teams best batter ran over to the small fence separating the audience from the players.

"Did ya' see that!" He cheered with excitement in his voice.

"Sam, that was amazing!" The batters friend Steve, called down to him wearing a proud smile.

"I know you're going to the big leagues, Pal!" Sams other friend, James, who was also known as 'Bucky' said.

Sam jumped over the fence and joined his friends. Everyone was there for his last big game. Tony, Rhodey, Thor, Bruce, Bucky and Steve (of course), Peter, Clint, Valkyrie,  and even Loki.  

After a couple of jokes, conversations, and some laughter, Peter came up to Sam with a girl around his age with two braided buns on both sides of her head.

"Sam, this is my friend, Shuri! I met her over there." Peter said pointing to the open area of grass behind Sam.

"Hello," Sam said putting out his hand for Shuri to shake.

"You played very well today," Shuri said shaking Sams' hand with a smile on her face.

"Tha-" Sam began before he was cut off by someone yelling.

"Shuri!" A familiar voice said.

"Oh, hi brother!" Shuri said, waving at the jogging baseball player.

"What are you doing over here? It's time to go."  The boy said.

"Peter, this is my brother." Shuri said mentioning towards the taller boy.

The boy turned to see the people around him. His eyes narrowed.

"Wilson." He said sharply, when he noticed Sam.

"T'challa."  Sam replied with the same tone.

Peter noticed that Sam and T'challa wore opposite colors, red and blue. Peter knew that Sam played for the Brooklyn Baybirds and that their team wore red. He didn't know T'challa's team. He also didn't know why he wore blue.

Shuri knew that her brother played for the Brooklyn Blue Cats. She obviously knew that they wore blue. Shuri knew that they had to come all the way down from North Brooklyn to South Brooklyn for her brother to play against the red team. They did that at the end of every season.

Thor ran up to the bleachers where the four were standing.

"Barnes just recommended ice cream," Thor said. Then he noticed T'challa and Shuri.

"You guys can come too." He said with a welcoming smile on his face.

"It's alright, we have to get home anyway.." T'challa said calmly.

"T'challa! Shuri!" The twos mother called.

"Bye, Peter." Shuri said.

"Bye, Shuri." Peter said with a little disappointment in his voice.

Sam, was obviously the best on his team. It was quite annoying how good he could swing. Being the fastest on his team it was mostly T'challa's job to keep him from getting anywhere. T'challa remembers last year when he had basically climb a fence to reach the ball in time to catch it. If— no,  when  T'challa gets to the big leagues and people ask him how he got where he is he would say, Red and Blue.

A/N: Ya'll I swear to god I've been meaning to write this but you know I was too lazy too. Also, the ships in this will be in the tags. And in case you were thinking, this ain't one of em.(I might get bored with this one like my other fic—)

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