Story Re-Write Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

He took an awkwardly long time to answer, you could hear the background noise of people talking.

The water finished and you picked it up from the machine taking a sip.


"(Name), whatever you do stay in the house." He ordered sternly.

"Why?" You choked, having breathed in the water.

"Grab your sister and go into the basement--or the attic, just hide--okay?! Whatever you do don't look outside!"

"Dad, you're...kinda scaring me."

You ignored his warnings and out of curiosity, stepped out into the patio. You looked up at the dome covering of the backyard.

Black smoke hung thick in the sky.

Glowing ships of gigantic proportions blocked the sunlight from shining through.

Your glass slid from your hand and fell onto the ground.

"Dad?!--what the fuck is that?!-what's going on?!"



The power turned off completely causing you to let out a startled scream. Thankfully with a hum, it turned back on but much dimmer. 

Low Power Mode activated due to power outage. Please stay calm. Authorities are aware of the situation

"TV! Show me the news!" You demanded, rushing into the living room.

"-currently the entire (region) is under attack by a-- an unknown alien ship." The woman said, her voice calm and soothing, yet fear was evident by her trembling hands, "The government has sent out reinforcements and are telling citizens to stay calm and remain indoors--uh, indoors, hidden."

"What the fu-"

A loud rumble overpowered your curse. 

"Skylee!" You cried. 

You ran up the stairs, slingshotting yourself around the curve in the banister before continuing up the other set of stairs. Your little sister burst from her bedroom visually shaken. 

"(N-Name) what's-?" 

"I don't know, c' mon!" You took her hand, your own trembling with the same vibrato as hers. 

You didn't know what else to do and rushed towards the door leading to the basement. With the dim lighting already, the basement appeared scarier than it was before. Spider Webs sparkled overwhelming the entrance. Not even your father had gone down there in years, but it was the best place to hide. 

With another rumble directing your attention to the outside, you knew this was your best option. You took a step down the creaky wooden stairs, but you felt a resistance. You turned to Skylee who was petrified with fear. 

You sternly but softly said, "Sky-" 

"No! I can't go down there!" She cried. 

"Sky! Its either we die or we hide, there's no other option!" You barked rather too harshly. 

You wanted to take it back but at the moment you needed to convince her to come down with you. 

"What about dad-" 

"Dad is fine! He's brave and strong, you know that!" You softened your gaze and voice. You stepped up to her taking her shoulders, "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you. Whether it's down in the basement or--whatever is going on outside I swear I will protect you with my life." 

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