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Note: Sorry this chapters short I felt like you guys should take a break after reading such a long chapter. Also the picture above is sadly, not mine. Though I wish I had that adorable little guy!!! :3! 

When I opened my eyes I didn't expect to see a bright light over me. I winced and held up a hand to block out the blinding light and carefully sat up. I looked around and noticed I was laying on a bed.

It wasn't very comfortable and it smelled like bleach. Was I in a hospital? I looked around and saw men and woman were around me as well. Some were awake, others looked to be on the verge of death.

I got up out of bed wincing as I felt a pain in my leg. I looked down and saw my leg was wrapped in actual gauze and not a t-shirt. Then it hit me that this wasn't a dream.

All of my friends are dead.

Hero...I didn't get to find Hero!

I didn't realize I said it out loud and ignored the pain in my leg as I walked out. When I was passing by a glass case I could see my reflection and saw I wasn't wearing my normal clothes.

I had a white shirt and capris made from the same material as hospital personnel scrubs. Well my shirt was ruined beyond repair and my pants as well. I continued to walk ignoring how people dressed in military clothes and soldiers looked at me.

Where the hell was I?

"Miss?" A woman in a lab coat said.

I looked behind me and she placed her hand on my shoulder. Looking concerned.

"I'm sorry miss but you shouldn't be out of bed." She apologized.

"Uh, well, I'm trying to find my dog Hero. He's a German Shepard puppy and he should have a green dog collar on." I explained.

"I would help you miss but theres a very big possibility your dog isn't here and you must go back because you have ripped your stitches." The woman said softly.

I glared and stepped away to face her so her hand was no longer on me, "I know he's alive and I know he's here."

"Well if you think he would be, he'd be somewhere in the ship." The woman sighed ignoring my rude gesture.

"I need to go find him-"

The woman grabbed my arm and I glared at her ripping my arm away.

"I'm sorry miss but you must return."

"I'm not going anywhere until I find my puppy! He's my everything to me and I know he's here somewhere!"

"Miss please don't make me use force-"

"I'm. Not. Going. Back. Until I have my dog." I growled.

She sighed and two men dressed in armor walked up to me.

"C'mon miss, lets go back before we have to use violence." One of the men said walking up to me.

"I said I'm not going back until I have my dog! What don't you fucktards understand about that?!" I shouted.

He grabbed onto my arm and I grabbed him back flipping him over onto the floor. Another one came up and he grabbed my injured arm and yanked making me cry out.

I instinctively reacted and scratched his face with my nails drawing blood. He let go of me and I kicked him in the stomach knocking him down. The guy who I flipped over stood up and aimed his gun at me.

I kicked it out of his hands and kicked him in the side making him slam into the wall. The one I scratched grabbed me from behind pining my arms to my side.

I quickly bent down and rolled him over my back. Just as I was about to punch him something latched onto my wrist in a tight hold. I looked over my shoulder and saw the same man that saved me was preventing me from getting revenge.

I growled and attempted to yank free but that didn't work and even attempted to push on his thumb. No matter what he wouldn't let go.

"Let me go!" I growled kicking his leg which only hurt me.

The man said nothing, only lifting me off the ground. I growled and struggled to break free kicking and squirming and pushing. The man finally threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes knocking the wind out of me. I coughed but continued to struggle in vain anyways.

I probably looked like a psycho as I wildly kicked my legs and pound on his armor trying to break free. However blood loss from opening my stitches were getting to me and all the blood rushed to my head.

My struggle was getting weaker as I gave up feeling dazed. After a while I finally picked my head up and from my dizzy vision I could see we were back in the hospital.

I was so weak I just hung there struggling once in a while. Finally we arrived to a bed and I was carefully placed down. I went to move my arms to rub my eyes but I felt something cool holding my arm down.

It felt like leather. I looked down and saw I was being tied to the bed with leather straps. Even my legs. I continued to weakly struggle but the fatigue was getting too much for me and I faded back into the darkness again.

Master Chief & Teen!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن