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Apparently the lower decks of the ship weren't as bad as I thought they were. I was expecting people sleeping in the halls and drug addicts and drunks but apparently there wasn't much people they could save.

I had a bunk with a couple other women who were nice but not exactly the best roommates. They had given me a gray tank top and shorts that were sort of clean but I accepted them anyways.

When night came I was laying curled up under the sheets with my arm under my pillow staring at the wall. It was quiet except for the faint humming of the engine of the ship.

The women were asleep but I couldn't. Memories of nearly being killed and all those traumatic events were coming back to haunt me. At least Hero was asleep curled up right next to my stomach.

I sighed knowing I couldn't sleep so I got up without trying to awaken Hero but that dog seemed to have a mental connection with me to know when I was up or not.

I grabbed a gray hoodie and slipped it on before quietly leaving. I walked down the empty and silent halls with Hero who was a major ball of energy to be awake for so long.

I didn't know how far or how long I wandered but eventually I found Master Chief staring out a large window to view the deep recesses of space. He still had his armor on and it was probably past midnight.

I didn't know ether or not I should go talk to him since he wasn't much of a talker. I wasn't standing in the doorway for long before Chief said, "Come in (Name)."

I stiffened which alerted Hero who quickly picked up his head and looked around to see I wasn't being threatened. I walked over wincing as I heard my bare feet slap against the metal floor.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked nervously.

"Just watching outside." He replied.

"Oh...cool. How long have you been in space for?" I asked scooping up Hero who was whining wanting to see.

"A long time."

"Cool. This is my first time being in space. I wish my mom was here to see this. Ever since I was still her womb and even as a baby wether I was crying or still sleeping he used to take me out of my cradle and go out onto the porch to look at the sky. Didn't matter if it was raining or snowing or cold, she would do it almost every single night."

I looked at him expecting something and saw he had turned his head to listen to me so I continued on with my life story, "She later on gave me glow in the dark gel clings and we stuck them all to my room. Mom and I were giggling and laughing as we threw the clings so they would stick to the ceiling. Back at the house they still are there now...well possibly were there now."

"Every night we used to lay on the grass in the backyard and stare at the stars above."

My smile faded as I remembered, "On my 12th birthday she gave me a telescope.That was the best gift I ever got from her. It was a beautiful silver and she taught me how to clean and change the lenses and adjust the focus. Then a week after my birthday she was diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer. A year later my 13th birthday was spent at the hospital with her last dying moments"

"I...did have a father but..." I gently ghosted my hand across scars on my arms and choked out, "I'd rather not talk about him."

"I... apologize for your loss." Chief said.

"It's fine. A week after we got the letter, apparently before she died she ordered a puppy for me." I said stroking Hero's back.

"Hero is my hero because he was able to cheer my mom and I up. I still miss her but I can see my mom inside of him. I was always asking her for a dog, especially a german Shepard since she reminded me of one. Despite how much pain she would go through she would always push dad away from me before things got bad."

Master Chief & Teen!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora