Chapter3:Going head first

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I packed my things and started to get dressed and I called my friends if they are done and ready to go,I got a call from the GC Besties and of course I answered it

Mishka:yes why u called???
Sehun:hey Mishka who's the guy that asked you to the movies 😏😏
Mishka:Oh its Erine I new friend of mine
Sohoon:My girl is growing so fast!!😂😂
Mishka:any way are u guys done
Kimly:yep ready to go
Mishka:Okay meet me at the merchandise shop
Friends:K goodluck~

I took my bag and gave loki the food after that I locked the door and started walking,I went to the merchandise shop and saw my group of friends waving at me.

Kimly:So why are we here again
Mishka:Well I'm actually gonna give you some gifts but you guys can actually pick what ever you like
Mishka:yeah go and find  something that you want I'll pay and only one item
Friends:Gomawo Eomma!!!

They ran inside the shop and I chuckled a little and went inside with them they rome around to see what item do they like

Sehun:Mishka can I get this?*Diamond headband*
Mishka:Sure what ever you want

Sehun:Thanks Mishka*Hugs Mishka*
Mishka:no prob and guys hurry up Erine's waiting in the outside of the cinema

We took the the bags and ran to the cinema and we saw Erine standing there in corner  and waving his hand at us

Erine:Hey guys you came early
Sehun:We thought the movie is starting
Erine:Well the movie will start at 8:00
Erine:And Mishka this is for you btw

He gave me a bouquet of flowers and the flowers are roses

Mishka:Umm thank you Erine
Erine:No prob

Well I actually feel very uncomfortable when I'm around him to be honest but there's no turning back now and the movie is about to start

We all went inside the cinema and in my right side Jonghun seated beside me and on my left Erine seated beside me and then the movie started

I was enjoying the movie and then Erine whispers in my ear

Erine:Hey Mishka I want to say that I li-
Mishka: Aigoo this is the best part~

Erine POV

I wanted to tell Mishka that I like her so much but it didn't go so well she stared at the screen and never looking at the side I just looked at her beautiful face admiring all her features.

End of Erine's POV

The movie ended and it was the best me and my friends had to go home when I was about to leave someone grabbed my hand and with that I flinched a little but I looked at the person it was only Erine I almost pushed him or punched him at the face because I don't want other people holding my wrist except my friends

Erine:Hey Mishka did you enjoy the movie
Mishka:Yeah it was awesome and some of the scenes are beautiful
Erine:not as beautiful as you...
Erine:nothing!!*Looks away cause of embarrassment *
Mishka:Its getting late I better go bye

I ran to the alley and left Erine in the front of the cinema dumbfounded and I can't believe he said that we only met a couple of days ago and now his making me flattered 😑😑

Erine POV

I looked at Mishka running as fast as she can and I was left alone here in cinema leaving me confused and dumbfounded I should've told her earlier that I like her but I went to fast I wanted to be in a relationship with Mishka so bad but she needs time for her self.

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