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I was sleeping in my bedroom until a notification popped and something caught my eye and it was a friend request on Facebook and the persons name is Erine

I accepted the friend request and started chatting with him for a while


-Erine:Hello my name is Erine what's yours

-Mishka:My name is Kim Mishka you can call me Mish

Erine:Your name is cute just like you

My face turned into a shocked expression after his words we just texted each other and now his randomly complementing me and then it was getting late and I texted him one last time before I go to bed

-Mishka:Hey Erine its getting late we should go to sleep

-Erine:Yeah your right we should go to sleep sweet dreams Mishka

Mishka:You too night

I turned off my phone and went to bed


I fell off the bed cause of the annoying alarm clock I went to the shower and took a peaceful bath and started to change

I cooked omelette and for my dog I just gave him some left over pizza and after that I packed my things and went to school

I was walking down the path walk and suddenly I was approached by Seki

Mishka:"God save me!!" He.. hey!
Seki:what grade are u???
Mishka:I'm a twelfth grader you?
Seki:Eleventh grader how old are you
Mishka"Sheet I need to make an excuse to get out of this guy"SORRY GOT A GO BYE!!!

I ran as fast as I can to get away from this creep luckily I went to the classroom safe and sound

Jonghun:Mishka you okay??
Mishka:Yeah kinda
Sohoon:what's wrong
Mishka:There's a weird guy who is a eleventh grader and his name is Seki
Sehun:Oof how did you even met him
Mishka:I actually met him during the 100 word story and he won't stop bugging me you gotta help me
Kimly:Sorry Mish we can't help you

Then the  all laughed their lungs out while me pouting cutely making them laugh more

Mishka:"Cute pout"Hmm!
Friends:Mianhae Mianhae Mianhae"Still laughing"

For a little while the teacher came and started her lessons


Lessons are done and we took our trays and sat on the nearest table and started eating but someone stopped at our table and looked at me I didn't look at them but when they called my name I finally faced them and I regret looking at them

Seki:Hey Mishka this is Mith,Shawn and Erine
Mith:hello so your the lucky girl who stole Seki's heart
Shawn:uwu she's blushing
Mishka:Shut up do you see my face blushing
Mith:You might all the girls fall in love with him cause of his charming looks
Mishka:Charming?? Sorry I think I heard you wrong I think you mean ugly looks it makes me vomit

After I said those words my friend and Seki's group laughed their lungs out and me I just smirked at Seki seeing him blushing cause of embarrassment who's the one blushing now

Mith:Oh Gosh that made me laugh so hard

Seki:Come on boys where done here

By the looks of it he is so embarrassed.
The three boys left and Erine sticked a sticky note on the table and I read the text that he putted on the sticky note

Wanna be friends??

After I read the note I suddenly write a note and gave it to him

Sure why not

The bell rang and it was time time to go to our classroom

Time Skip~

I finished all my homework and chores I tuck myself in the bed and ready to sleep but I was supposed to go to sleep and then suddenly Erine texted me out of the blue

-Erine:Hey Mishka do you wanna go and see a movie you can bring your friends if you want

-Mishka:wow thanks Erine I'll bring my friends with me 5:00

-Erine:Sounds good see ya~

-Mishka:Kk you too

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