CHAPTER 6: I'll cut your balls off and staple them to your forehead

Start from the beginning

"I know that. All that will be handled, don't worry. But you do think I'm right, right?" I ask while raising my eyebrows, already knowing her answer.

"You know, you're right girl! Go for it! I promise I'll be the loudest to cheer you during the tournament matches." She excitedly says.

"And why are you so excited, Ms. Woods?" I hear the Coach's daring words, challenging anyone to even open their mouth.

After a vigorous session of just almost breaking my bones and stretching my body like a rubber band, I gulp down my water faster than lightning. How ironic, no? Considering the fact that I am a soccer player's sister plus I play football myself, I still am lazy to even work out or run for that matter. But put a ball in front of me and I'll run for my life with all the strength I have in my damn body.

I breathe in and out in an attempt to calm myself but it just makes my breathing more ragged and forced. My fists are clenched with nervousness while I walk towards the Coach who was seated alone on the bleachers writing something down on his clipboard. I am about to give up and take twenty steps back until dad's image comes in my mind. His huge hands holding my tiny ones while his big blue eyes looked into mine, encouraging me at every step of my life.

I take a deep breath and call out Coach Smith.

"Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Any problem, Jones?" Coach says as he looks up and squints his eyes at me due to the harsh sunlight.

"Well... yes and no. I wanted to ask you something-

"No. Summer, you need to leave." Jason rudely interrupts me and stands in front of me with his chest out, in an attempt to look scary.

Sorry, dickhead. Not me.

"I'm not talking to you, Jason. Back. Off." I say slowly so that those words can stick into his thick skull.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, kids. What's the problem here?" Coach drops in between us as he looks at Jason then me.

"I want to join your team, Coach," I say as I finally muster the courage with dad constantly in my mind, my eyes fixated on Jason. I swear I saw a muscle in his jaw twitch in anger.

"What...?" I look at Coach who looked baffled by my decision and I could actually imagine the wheels in his head turning.

"Coach, please, please, please give me a chance. I won't disappoint you. I'll even play better than Jason... please, please!" I fold my palms together in front of the coach while shoulder-wrestling with Jason who was trying to push me away.

"Look, I get it you're the captain's sister and all-

"No! It's not because of that, coach. I love soccer. And I want to start by playing for the school. I assure you Jason will have nothing to do with it," I say this as I glare at Jason and continue, "You can make your decision based on your own judgement. Please, at least see me play." I plead again and I had high hopes based on the coach's thinking face right now.

"Coach, come on, a girl in the-

"Ah, ah, Jason. I want to see her play. Let's see if she got your genes, Jones." He says to Jason then turns to me, "Thursday at 2.00 pm. Sharp on time. Good luck, Jones." Coach says and walks away from us, leaving an angry Jason and bouncing me behind. I clap my hands and jump excitedly on my feet, yelling "Yes!" at the top of my lungs.

"Jason! I got in... I mean not yet. But coach agreed! He agreed! Yes! Yes!" I jump around Jason like a mad kangaroo on the loose but he suddenly pulls me towards him and holds me with his strong arms. Damn.

"Summer, I'm just worried about you. I get it you want to continue playing soccer and trust me, I know you're even better than me. It's just that I don't want any of those huge-ass boys to knock you off. Plus, you'll even have to hear the entire school blabbering about you, on how you joined the boys' team despite being a girl and all that shit." As he finished talking endlessly, I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him warmly, a huge grin spread across my mouth.

"What... are you doing, Summer?" Jason chuckles as he hugs me back. I hear a few aww's going around me but I ignore all that and happily feel my brother hugging me after long.

"Thank you for the worry, Jason. But it'll all be fine, trust me. And did you forget you and Aaron are there for me or are you doubting your own strength?" We pull back and start walking towards the block.

"Oh please. Draven is enough to take down the entire soccer team if you even get one scratch. That's what I'm worried about." We both laugh until I hit him on his head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Jason whines like a kid and rubs the back of his head.

"Next time, don't underestimate me or talk rudely to me or else I'll cut your balls off and staple them to your forehead."

Jason widens his eyes and shakes his head, "Damn right you will." 


Slight correction in the rest of the chapters. Just replaced football with soccer. a little confused over there. But nothing has changed so...keep on reading!


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