Perfection // Yandere! Doctor x Reader.

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 It was very cold in the examination room.

So very, terribly cold.

The chill in the air seemed to seep deeply into everything and your paper thin hospital gown did nothing at all to protect you from it. Though it just barely covered your body, you still felt rather naked. Naked and cold and confused. You sat alone in the room, shivering on the examination table and wondering desperately why you were here, forcing yourself to wait for answers.

Waiting, waiting, hated it.

You couldn't stand the uncertainty of it, you never had.

But Doctor Shuu was so insistent on your returning, as he had been all of the times before. What had started as a simple health check up several weeks ago had turned into several visits to the doctor's table. Always in this cold room, always in this thin gown, and always with Doctor Shuu.

You didn't know why. But you still came, stripping down and sitting on this same table.

He must have examined you about a million times, his soft hands going over every inch of your body time and time again. Thinking about it, you could almost feel his hands running slowly along your skin. Up and down and up again, your legs and back and belly, goosebumps blooming across your skin. Occasionally, he lingered too long or brushed against something sensitive and, though you knew it was only simple, little mistakes, it always left you blushing bright red with embarrassment.

Just the thought of his cool hands on your body had you feeling hot with embarrassment and cold with nerves.

What was he looking for?

Why did he do it every time?

Why did his touch make you shiver and blush?

You weren't sure. You didn't ask. After all, it wasn't you who was meant to ask the questions. As his cool hands slipped all over your body, Doctor Shuu attempted to distract you with too many questions. Some were about your body and your health.

"Does this hurt?"

"What's your diet?"

"How about this?"

"What about exercise?"

"Did you bring your complete medical history?"

But others seemed more...personal. Where you went, who you were with, what you did, and more. You often wondered why he was asking you this, what purpose it had didn't bother asking the doctor. You simply answered his questions one by one.

"I don't really have any family. Or friends for that matter."

"I don't think so..."

"No, I'm not...sexually active."



"Of course I'll return."

It went on and on.

He had told you before that this was going to be the last check up, that he would finally have the answers he'd been looking for. The answers you had been waiting for. And as you sat shivering in your thin gown, you could only hope that it was true.


You looked up, watching as Doctor Shuu quietly entered the room. The door closed behind him with a click, the sound seeming almost deafening in this quiet room. Your heart leaped in your chest as the doctor flipped through his papers and took a glance at you. His dark eyes glinted from behind his glasses, bits of light glimmering in the inky blackness.

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