Chapter 2

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*yawn* I wake up to the sound of knocking at my door.

"Who is it and what do you want !"I said with a huff.

"Umm ... Zach .... Should I be scared to come in ?"

"No come in it's fine"I said looking at myself in my phone camera and fixing my messy bed head.

"AHHH " Yells Zach with a chuckle.

"Hey that's not funny" I said wondering how bad I actually looked.

"I'm just kidding"He says with a huge smirk on his face.

"Um ok sure " I snicker back.

"So when are we going to get the baby stuff"

. Me not thinking I yell "Um what baby stuff im not pregnant !!"

"Um Kay-Lynn, Jeanna is remember" Zach said with a confused look on his face.

"Oh sorry that's what you get for waking me up to early.I say nudging his shoulder.

"Well how about you get dressed and we'll head out in a half-hour?" He said waiting for me to answer patiently.

"WHAT!!! half an hour you know it takes me ten minutes alone to pick my clothes. Ten minutes for my make-up and another 20- 30 to go eat and do my hair. I want a shower too! My showers are about a half and hour !"I said making sure he got the point of me not wanting to go so early.

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down we'll leave in 45 minutes then then sound good ok ...bye " He said running out my door.

"N- Fine" I yelled dissapointed that i had to leave so damn early .

I walked to my bathroom brushed my teeth. Then put mascarra on and brushed my hair. I desided I would just put my hair up in a high pony tail with my bright orange lulu lemon head band. I grabbed a white ROXY sweater with my bright orange and blue VOLCOM shirt and Garage sweat pants on. I walked to the front door. I pulled my bright colorful DC shoes on and walked out the door.

To hear the sound of "AHHHH" coming from Zach's mouth.

I looked at him and said"What did you look in a mirror" Winking at him.

We had to take 2 cars. Zach Baillie Jason and I went in Zach's truck. Serena,Seth and Leo took Serena's car even though Seth really wanted to drive one of his cars. We have about 6 cars. Where right outside the city so we have a huge yard . We drove down the long stretch of road and ended up at the new Toys-R-Us! Looking at all the amazing toys. We all ran different ways. Since they didn't have anything but a car seat and crib we had to get all of it.I was looking at sales.There was a green, blue , and purple chair. I decided to get it. It had animals hanging from the handle. There was a zebra lion,and a odd looking frog. Baillie was looking at the little stuffys. She was holding over 5 or 6.

I walked over and she leaned over in my face and yelled "5 for 5$ and there sooooo adorible".

"Yeah i guess there are how many are you getting?"I said curiously.

"Not sure you think ten would be enough?" Baillie said .

"Yeah...Maybe we will get one of those stuff hanging things for all of them." I said .

"Stuffy hanging things????" She said tilting her head.

"You know the ones the hang from the roof?" I said wondering how she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Ohhhhhhh ok yeah good idea!" She smirked and ran away running towards the carts.

I saw Seth, Leo , Jason , and Zach looking at the baby clothing. I began to laugh four football playing guys looking at baby clothing . Bright pink baby clothing at that! I walked over and asked "have fun guys ?"

"Oh yes just wonderful, You know if i could find the right size of this i would wear it!" as he held up a preppy pink sun dress with matching leggings size 2T.

"Oh my maybe you should ask and Jason you would look real good wearing that orange and pink flowery tank top ." I said as i went to go find Serena.I finaly found her and she was looking at books.She had a big stack of books in front of her.We finally left spending about 70$. We ended up getting a little swing chair ten stuffys a stuffy hanger two outfits twenty books and a electric walking dog. We also got some blankets, towels and a bumper for in the crib.

Hello?I Love You!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora