Clay's Questions

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"Kimiko, can I ask you something," Clay started. "Are you Lian-Li?"

Kimiko had been smiling up until then, yet while the shock was evident on her face, her smile was still there. She then, through gritted teeth asked a question of the cowboy. "Clay… why do you ask something like that?"

"Because… well," Clay couldn't come up with a good answer about the whole situation that wouldn't upset Kimiko too much.

"Well? Spit it out already," the girl sighed, irritation in her voice.

"Long story short, when we were looking for you when you went through that portal, Dojo made the comment along the lines of Lian-Li being great couple from those memos of his," Clay tipped his hat to cover his eyes.

"I am going to have to remember to get him for that," Kimiko stated in what she thought was a voice not loud enough for Clay to hear her.

However, the cowboy heard quite well. "Then you are Lian-Li… and that means…"

"Clay… finish the story with why you suspected such a thing," Kimiko stated smartly. "Until then I would confirm or deny all of this."

"Well, you called Chase Young by the name Ching. Dojo later remembered that Ching was Chase Young's nickname at one point," Clay commented.

Kimiko shook her head at the boy. "You weren't supposed to find out about this… not until I figured out a way to explain it to you guys without you and Rai going ballistic on me… and Rai already has."

"I don't get it… surely Dojo was joking about all of this," Clay laughed. "I mean… how could he have gotten the idea that you… Lian-Li… was Chase Young's first crush."

"What exactly did Dojo say to all of you," Kimiko asked, concerned that some things may have come out that she didn't want to just yet.

"Just that he thought it was real cute…" Clay frowned at the girl.

"Clay, can I ask if you've told anyone else about this?" Kimiko sighed, going and sitting back beneath a tree while the cowboy monk went and took a seat on a bench.

"Well… no," Clay frowned at all of this.

"The only other person who has figured out all of this happens to be Master Fung. He was visited by Master Dashi while you guys were out. That was how come he knew that you guys didn't come and get his help. Master Dashi had a talk with me about… certain things."

"So… please tell me that Chase was five or six years old," Clay suddenly stated out loud.

"Fourteen… he was fourteen, a year younger then me, though I thought when I first saw him that he was my age." Kimiko placed a hand on her cheek, irritated about the whole situation.

"But it is hard to imagine Chase Young… at that age… like Rai, you and me," Clay sighed. The fountain gurgled behind them, complementing his feelings.

"Clay… I can imagine him at that age because I saw him at that age. He was a lot like what he is now, but a lot different from what he is now too. I couldn't believe how naïve he was about certain things… but then look at Omi,"

"Naïve… Kimiko… you did lie about him doing something to you, it just wasn't what Rai thought it was, was it?"

"You have to promise you won't say anything or do anything about it… it is relatively in the past," Kimiko commented.

"If I feel like I have to, I will tell Rai. He is the leader you know. And if I feel like I want to, I will pulverize Chase Young," Clay became extremely serious in his demeanor.

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