Chapter 4:Adopted Father/Daughter

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(Wonderful! Looks like the Evolution is complete, you are now a part of my family! Fuhahaha!

But still though, It got me a few questions about your Evolution, I though Spiritual Fox will grow and Mature, but yours got an additional specimen,

You've got three tails?)

(Say what now!?)

Ehhhhhhhhhhh!!! Three tailed!!

There is no way! I didn't think of this before but, A Three Tailed Fox is a species from a Nine Tailed Fox yokai!

That Got me thinking, if I continue to evolve and get stronger will I be able to turn a Nine tail fox one day? I wonder how powerful it is in this world!

(I can tell your still a Spiritual Fox from that power your emitting. But, I've never seen a species like you before, could it be your a new type of species has been born? Tell me, do you have any knowledge to this kind of species?)

(Huh? Uhh.. yah kinda.)

(Would you please tell me what it is?)

(Sure, this is a species is called a Yokai, or a Spiritual being this kind of Yokai is called a Three tailed fox in my world, the strongest tailed fox is a Nine tailed fox,

The story behind it is that, this yokai is that the more tail it has, the more powerful and wiser it become, and can transform into a beautiful young Girl/Lady, its apptitude is a fire elemental.)

Well, basically that's all the knowledge I heard about this legend, there could be more about it that I don't know about.

(So, your saying the more tail it has the wiser and powerful it becomes, right?)

(Yah, that sums most of it.)

(Do you have any similar skill to this being?)

Should I tell him? Ahh just go with it.

(I do; there is four actually, Shape Shifter, Greater IQ, Fire manipulation, & Fire Resistance.)

Well, that's the skill it can relate to what I said, so how will he react?


He's....he is laughing!

(This is quite, an outcome it is truly, I can never Imagined I picked up a being for the future of our world, fuhahahahahaha!)

Okay, this is getting me confuse.

(So, is it a good thing?)

(Yas truly, you'll know when you come out here and travel, As A promised, I'll remove this Magic of mine.)

Woahh! Really? Can't wait to see what he looks like?

As he said, his appearance slowly showing up, and I saw..

(So am I hideous little One?)

I was surprised.

Excuse me for thinking you're a softy.

Unmistakably, he's dangerous. I'm so certain!

He looks like a muscular man about 2 meters high, his head really does look like a tiger with an angry looking yellow eyes, while White Fur covering his entire body, has a long white tail, and a purple coat for his clothing.

I think I had acted rudely due to my lack of sight(actually its his fault), but I'm now renewed.

(Hey. Do you remember the promise? ... or rather, for all that complaining, you've unlock it now, do you?)

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