"(Y/N) how about I help you bring the kids back to your house?" Mamoru says causing me to nod in agreement.

***Time Skip to walking to the chess tournament***

Rini and I were walking to the tournament in silence until I decide to stop causing Rini to stop. She looked at me confused and I just look up at the restaurant. Rini looked towards the building. I then look at her and smile.

"Let's get a bite to eat. So we are not hungry at the chess tournament. Alright?" I say smiling.

Rini nodded and smiled at me. I open the door and hold it for Rini. Rini quickly enters the restaurant with me right behind her. We walk up to a station or the front till to request a table for two. I see the host/waiter walked up towards Rini and I.

"Table for two?" He asks.

"Yes. By any chance can get a booth to sit in?" I ask smiling happily.

"Yes that is possible. Please follow me." He said before walking off towards a table that is the corner completely with the booth surrounding it.

We smile and say thank you. We sit down and take a look at the menus the nice host gave us.

"Rini do you know why we had stopped here?" I ask her nicely.

"Because we are stopping to eat something before we go to the chess tournament." Rini said slightly confused.

"Actually it isn't just because of that. It is actually because we need to talk about something. As much as I don't want to but the others want me to. So can you tell me about yourself? I promise whatever those guys want from you, we will protect you. I promise." I say giving her a reassured smile.

Rini nodded and looked around before clutching onto Luna P very tight. She looks at me with sadden eyes.

"As long as you promise not to tell the others." Rini says causing me to smile.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone. And besides I know you know about who the scouts are. But I won't tell them until the day I die." I joyfully said to her.

"Except I haven't figured out who are though but somehow I feel like I can trust you." Rini said causing me to laugh.

Rini gives me a small smile and looks around.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The host/waiter came up to us with a huge smile spread across his face.

The waiter kind of reminded me of the Joker from Batman and the Undertaker from Black Butler. It was really creepy. I look to Rini while she looks to me. I just nod to her and smile.

"Can I have a double cheese burger with (2nd Favorite Side Food) please? And can I have some water to." Rini says causing me to smile.

"Sure and for you, beautiful?" He says as he winks at me.

I literally threw up in my mouth when he said that. I noticed Rini glaring at him.

"I'll have (Favorite Food) with (Favorite Side Food) and a Water please." I say smiling with an annoyance.

The host/waiter left leaving me and Rini alone once again.

"That guy was creepy. So anyways Rini you were going to tell me about you." I chatter off.

"Well Johnny and I are from the future."

"The future?" I ask with shock.

"Yes the future. We came here to search for Sailor Moon an the Legendary Crystal to help save our mommy and daddy. But I think Johnny forgot about his mission."

"Rini, do you mean the Imperium Silver Crystal?"

"Yes. But I have no idea to where it could be." She said sighing.

"Do you mean this Imperium Silver Crystal?" I say as I pull out my necklace that was partly hiding underneath the top of dress.

"You have it. But how? I thought Sailor Moon had after a while. Besides the one in the future disappeared after I touched it."

"Wait there was one in the future?"

"Yeah. My mommy never wanted me to touch it but I did and now it's gone. The Imperium Silver Crystal belonged to my mommy but she explained how she got it." Rini says sighing.

I decided to not push anything further and I decided to re-hide my necklace. Our food soon came and we both eat in silence.

Broken~Mamoru Chiba ***ON HOLD***Where stories live. Discover now