A Call. Chapter 1.

Start from the beginning

"this is gonna be interesting now Oga in the mix" natsume smiled. "hey Furuichi, i think someone trying to call your ass is lighting up" Nene said with a small smile and pointed to his bum pocket with his phone inside. "ah its my uncle" Furuichi said with a small smile and walked out the room to answer, he was gonna say a smart reply to Nene about her checking his ass out but his uncle hardly ever calls. "must important if his uncle calling" Oga said as he waited for Furuichi to come back.. "da" baby beel giggled and held his own feet.

After about ten minutes Furuichi came back in the class looking a little pale and sick. "what ya uncle want" Oga asked as he looked to Furuichi and saw how bad he was looking. "he said there was a chemical leak in the labs where he worked and it leaked out" Furuichi said pale and the class turned to him with worry. "but i thought he was working in the most safest labs, ones where nothing could get out" Oga asked and Furuichi nodded. "a newbie spilled the test all over him and he was being taken to the cell for overnight to keep an eye on him but he went wild and bite one of the guards hand trying to eat him, soon others he bite started acting like him and eating everyone, one scientist unlocked a door to run but got caught and some escaped thanks to his stupidest, he said it be hitting our town soon and we should all get out" Furuichi said sitting down. "are you sure he not pranking you again like last time" Oga asked since his uncle did this a lot. "here listen" Furuichi said passing his phone and letting Oga here the voice male, you could hear alarms, shots, yells, cried and growls in the background. 

"we need to leave, call your families and tell them to get out of town" Oga said as he passed Furuichi his phone back. "honoka" Furuichi said worried and called his sister.

"honoka where are you" Furuichi said with worry over the phone. "I'm now heading home, why" honoka asked with a sweet smile. "why are you not at school, did something happen" Furuichi asked a little shocked. "a couple people attacked the teachers at school and we all got sent home early, I'm nearly home" honoka said with joy. "honoka listen to me, run home and dont let anyone touch you, a sickness got out making others attack people, dont let them bite you and go straight home. Lock the doors and windows, close the blinds and take a knife to your bedroom just hide inside" Furuichi said with worry. "a sickness is making us kill, I'm scared" honoka said with fear. "i come get you soon so run home and lock everything up, just leave the key out the back door for me to get in, phone dad and tell him about the sickness and no matter what dont open the door for anyone, no matter what they" Furuichi hissed. "i understand, be careful" honoka said worried and Furuichi could tell she started running. "dont worry about me just stay safe for me" Furuichi smiled. "love you" honoka smiled and hanged up frowning knowing her brother probably be killed trying to reach her. 

"my parents are at work and said they already had a people attacking some staff" Nene said with worry. "most schools are sending children home or keeping the children in the gym until parents come for their kid to protect them all" yuka said with a frown. "its already hit the edge of town, the cops have there hands full and are tell people to hide in there homes not going near any of the sick people" Aoi said with worry. 

"what should we do, should we stay hidden in class until it gets sorted" takeshi asked and Furuichi looked at him like an idiot. "we cant they after non infected people right so schools and places with a bug group of people would attract them, if we sit in school we get over run by them in seconds, we need to get away from here" Furuichi said crossing his arms. "he right, we need to find somewhere safe with locks or something to keep them out" natsume said with a smile. "we cant just walk around town to wherever without being attacked or getting mix up in the crowds running around scared" himekawa said and everyone nodded. "what about the principle  office, he put all dangerous weapons or sports bats inside his office to keep them away from students here, he mostly collets them without anyone noticing, i only know about it because he need someone to help him oil the locker door, its full of things we can use" tora said with a grin and everyone nodded. "lets head over to our principle office and then find somewhere better to hide while we work this all out" kanzaki said and everyone walked out of class. 

Zombie Fun!  (Furuichi X Oga)Where stories live. Discover now