Chapter 8

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"Okay, they're gone. We can slip out now and head back the way I came. There was a door that looked like it could've been an exit" Leon states, returning to his normal voice instead of whispering. The door was slightly ajar, his hand firmly on the handle while he silently peeked out to see when the coast was clear.

Being around Leon again makes me feel ten times more safe, the two Lickers seeming much less terrifying once I have company. That's possibly because I know what he can do to them, or the fact that the last time I saw him, he was running for his life from a crazy chainsaw welding freak, and he's somehow still alive.

However, reuniting with Leon after not being by his side for about an hour or two, which in reality felt like days, gave me time to think about the mysterious man. There are too many questions left unanswered, both from Ian and Leon, which quite frankly, pisses me off to no ends.

"If you saw a way out, why didn't you take it?" I sigh, folding my arms over my chest and blinking at the wall in front of me, unable to look directly at him for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm a little angry? Or maybe because I've been through one hell of a night and it's only around midnight? Stress is eating away at my mind and no matter how hard I try, being in a good mood just seems impossible at this point.

"My mission is to get you out of here alive" Leon states in an authoritative voice, his tone deeper and darker than usual, as if I just asked a very stupid question. Which, in his case, maybe I did, but leaving me behind to save his own skin sounded like an option to me. I don't think I'd even have to strength in me to be mad at him for doing such a thing.

"You ready?" Leon asks, softer this time. He turns his body away from the door to face me, grabbing out his handgun and checking his ammo before lowering it to his side. Now his eyes are on me. Even though I'm not looking at him, I can practically feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my head. I can see his tall and strong posture in my peripherals, for once, not seeming very intimidated by him.

I suck in a large breath, blowing it out loudly to calm myself somewhat, also hinting to Leon that I'm not going okay. Which, maybe he is oblivious to, or maybe he knows but feels that my emotions don't matter right now, not until we're out of this hell hole at least. I push myself off the wall and unfold my arms, taking a step out and bending over the small silver table in the middle of the room with my palms flat on the surface. This also puts more of a barrier in between Leon and I.

"I'm not going anywhere until I have some answers, Leon." The bite hidden in my tone surprised me, maybe I'm more pissed off than I thought I was. Leon sensed my emotions, the look on his face telling it all, he cast his gaze downwards for a second as if he were recollecting himself. Earlier I wasn't able to look at him, now I find it almost impossible to look answered other than his blue eyes. I've only known him for a few hours but I know he's a pretty closed off guy, leaving me to try and decipher what he's thinking.

"I didn't find anything out, didn't even come anywhere near Ian. Sorry, Princess" The way Leon uses that nickname, and the slight, almost non-existent smirk on his face makes me realise he knows exactly what my question meant, and that he's avoiding it. Which only makes me more curious, also means I have to be more direct and make sure he can't dance around the question, giving me answers I don't want or need.

"I mean, I have questions about you. Being on my own for a while gave me time to think. Like, how did you know where I was? Or how did you come across the guy who mugged me? I'm pretty sure he doesn't just have your number saved in his phone to contact you every time someone goes missing" I frown, glaring at Leon as he is now the one to avoid eye contact with me, which only makes me more suspicious of him.

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