Chapter 2

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My head feels heavy while the rest of my body aches and feels light, like everything except my head had been squashed down to nothing. My hands are bound, tied and dangling down, I can't see anything but the rough rope cutting at my wrists is more than a hint. I suddenly get the feeling of swaying like I'm a feather floating in the breeze.

My mind can't stop thinking about that man. Who was he? Was the mugger working with him? Do they know each other? Why did he inject me with god knows what? Maybe none of that even happened and I'm going to open my eyes and be in my bed, nice and warm under the covers, with my head resting on my plush pillow.

The awful smell in the room tells me that I'm not in my bedroom. Wherever I am, it's very potent, clogging up my nostrils. It's as if I walked into a morgue but times that by a thousand. I can only assume whatever it is that I'm smelling is something dead and rotting. The thought alone makes my breathing uneven and my heartbeat jump like crazy.

As my eyes slowly flicker open, my surroundings become clear. A gasp followed by a sob escapes my throat as I take in the sudden picture. All that my eyes allow me to see are the dead. Bones and skulls litter the small room I'm in, strewn across the floor in heaps and piles. Some of them still have pieces of flesh attached to the bones, yet to fall off and decay.

"Oh, my God. This isn't happening... this isn't happening..." I mutter to myself, convincing myself that this is all just a really bad dream that seems very realistic but it's all just in my head. I'm going to wake up any second now, in my bed, my home... No, I'm not. This is definitely real.

And to top it all off, as I look up, I see the rest of my body. My feet tied with a thick rope and tied tightly around a hook. If my arms weren't bound, they would be dangling down by my head. This is the reason for my head feeling so heavy, all the blood has rushed to my brain for god knows how long.

God, how long have I been here?

Where is here?

The room is small and poorly lit, but the floors are covered in a deep shade of red, quite possibly from all the blood. The walls are covered in skeletons in similar positions to what I'm in, hanging by their feet, arms still somehow tied and hanging down by their heads. How long have they been here for?

I can't stay here. I can't end up like them. I refuse to be just another pile of bones in this horrible room. I look around to the best of my ability, trying to find anything that could somehow get me out of here. Any time I turn my head too fast, apart from getting dizzy and black spots covering my vision, my body starts to swing back and forth.

I spot a nail sticking out of the wall, it might be close enough for me to swing to. I might be able to swing and cut the rope around my wrists with the nail. Then I can lift myself up and untie the rope around my feet. It might take some time, but it's my only option for now. I have to at least try.

I begin swaying my hips and swing my arms back and forth, causing my body to gradually swing higher and higher. I extend my arms as I get closer to the nail, only just grazing the rope by a hair. I then float back down, feeling a dizziness cloud my eyes and the back of my skull. Using all the momentum I have let to push my body forward once again, my hands smacking into the wall beside the nail with such force I cry out in pain.

Just as I begin to swing back down, I quickly flail my arms around and latch the rope around the nail, forcefully stopping my body from swinging any further. The pull of gravity causes the rope to cut even deeper into my skin, leaving a burning, tingling sensation running down my arms.

"Ah... ouch" I wince, beginning to grind the rope against the nail. Slowly, inch by inch the rope begins to tear and come apart in one section, the nail digging into the threads. I blink rapidly as small pieces of the rope and maybe even bits of dirt and rust fall off of the nail and into my eyes.

Suddenly, from rubbing my hands faster and faster, desperately wanting to be free, the nail rips out of the wall and falls to the ground below me with a soft tink.

"Are you kidding me?" I panic as I suddenly swing back down, ending up in the position I woke up in. My brain feels like its rattling around my skull from all the swinging and blood rushing to my head.

I look down at my hands, seeing that the rope was cut about half way through. I yank my wrists away from each other and the rope surprisingly tears a little more. I repeat this action a few more times until the rope is holding together with just one thread. I bring my hands to my mouth and start to gnaw on the rope, grinding it between my teeth. I ignore the taste of grime mixed with my own blood from the rope cutting into my skin, filling my mouth and covering my tongue.

Finally the rope falls off of my hands and I gasp in relief. The sensation of the rough rope no longer cutting into my skin makes my heart beat rise in excitement. Until I realise that I am yet to untie my feet. This isn't over yet.

I use all my core strength to lift my hopes body up, towards my feet, grasping onto my own ankles to keep me steady. I keep one hand on my ankle while the other reaches up to the knot keeping my feet attached to the ceiling.

"God, this is way harder than sit ups" I manage to undo the first layer but whoever tied me here decided to tie me up in like a thousand knots. I feel my body sinking lower and lower the longer I play with the rope, a sudden panic washing over me as I realise I didn't think this whole plan through.

"Oh, shi--!" I'm cut off as I fall to the ground, gravity pulling me down. I land with a loud thump, cries of pain leave my throat and my body shaking as I feel a sharp pain digging into my upper arm. I ignore the pain for the moment, regaining my breath as I winded myself from landing harshly on my back.

I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears, my vision showing black dots as I fill my lungs with air.

I prop myself up on my elbows and cry out in pain once again from the stabbing pain in my upper left arm. I glance at my wound and see the nail that was once stuck in the wall earlier I'd now stuck in my arm. It's a thick, long, rusty nail that stabbed right through, the pouts sticking right through, having punctured from the back of my arm and now protruding through the front.

"Ahhh! Oh, my god!" I cry out in pain,tears already falling down my cheeks and dripping onto the collar of my dress. What do I do? Do I leave it in or pull it out? My hand hovers over the nail, debating what's the best solution for this situation. Blood drips down and tickles my fingers, dropping onto the floor and mixing with all the other blood stains.

There is suddenly a loud thump that comes from the corner of the room. There are no usable doors. The only one that could be a possible exit is blocked by a massive stack of bones.

The banging continues and I cower in fear, shuffling backwards on my hands to get as far away from the noise as possible. One more thump sounds throughout the room and a pile of bones topple over, clanking all over the place. I scoot back even further, my hand landing in a puddle of rotted flesh. I quickly snatch my hand up to my chest and wipe the gunk off on my black dress.

I catch a glimpse of something moving over by where I heard the thumping. I bite my lip to stop any sobs from escaping my mouth as I watch a man army crawl his was through a small crawlspace hidden in the lower part of the wall off in the corner. He shifts on his elbows and knees until his body in completely out of the small space, propping himself up onto his feet but keeping himself down in a crouch.

He reaches behind him and pulls something out of his back pocket, clicking it and pointing it around the room. The torch illuminates our surroundings, showing every little detail of the bones scattered around. The light spots me first, then his blue, almost green eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his voice somehow raspy and smooth at the same time.

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