Chapter 5

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Leon started panting harshly, leaning back on the wall beside me while he stared at the lifeless creature before him. His blood dripped onto the floorboards below him in small droplets and stained the wall as he hunched down slightly.

"God, Leon! You're bleeding" I state in shock as soon as I spotted how badly he was injured. My voice was shaky and my eyes were wide as saucers, still stuck in shock after the beast almost made my heart jump through my chest. Just the look of it made me want to throw up, possibly giving me nightmares for the rest of my life.

"Heh. Well, if someone knew how to walk quietly, I wouldn't be in this position" Leon side glanced at me, leaning forward and reaching to touch his back in pain, drawing his hand back, showing to be covered in his own crimson blood. His face scrunched up and discomfort, most likely realising how bad his wound is.

"I'm so sorry, Leon. I didn't mean to, I swear. I w-was just so scared that I didn't watch my footing and I-" I begin to rant, panicking over realising that if I had just calmed down and watched where I was walking, Leon would ever have gotten hurt and we would be away from the creature anyway. I go to continue my rant but Leon cuts me off with an almost silent chuckle that I almost didn't hear.

"Calm down, princess. Just messing with you. It looks worse than it feels" Leon shrugs, stepping forward on shaky legs to peel the backpack - that managed to not get cut by the killer claws - off of his shoulders. I swallow the lump in my throat and bow my head down, staring at my shoes, feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

Leon unzips the backpack and begins to rummage through its contents. Shorty, he pulls out a white spray bottle with a green cap, inspecting it slightly before he hands it over to me with a straight face, seeming to not be in pain at all. It occurs to me that he might be trying to show no sign of weakness in front of me, possibly to lessen my worries or because of his own self consciousness.

I take the bottle from him and pop the cap off, wondering what the odd item is. He places the bag at his feet while he reaches over his shoulder to pull up his shirt over his back slightly, just enough go reveal the three large gashes ripped into his skin. Taking the hint, I shake the bottle a little before Leon turns his back to me, letting me spray the contents onto his back. It foams a little before seeping into his cuts and disappearing.

When his cuts seem to have been covered by the spray, Leon holds his hand out, over his shoulder for me to hand the bottle to him. He drops it into the bag while handing me a white bandage with his other hand. I take it from him and use it to wrap around his torso, having to reach around to his stomach with both hands to pass the bandage into my free hand.

"I've known you for - what? Not even an hour and I'm already repaying you for patching me up" I frown, hearing Leon chuckle softly. I'm the reason he's even in this position, how isn't he mad at me? He probably thinks I'm so useless and clumsy. Which, in this situation, I guess I am, especially compared to Leon who seems to have plenty of practice.

"It's my job to make sure you get home safe. You already have a bard arm, can't let you get all scratched up by Lickers, too" Leon states rather softly, as if he was talking to himself. Maybe reminding himself of what his mission is. Am I his mission? Or is there more to the picture? Surely he's here for more than little ol' me.

"Lickers?" I ask, still bandaging up his torso.

"That thing -" He points the flashlight at the dead creature laying at our feet. " - Blind as a bat but great ears. Usually you hear them before you see them so that makes it a little easier to get past them."

"You've dealt with these things before?" I ask curiously as I tuck the end of the white bandage into itself, so that it won't fall off of Leon. He pats his chest to check how well I wrapped him up before dropping his shirt and fixing it behind his own knife like he did mine. He spins around slowly, either ready to answer my question or thank me for the help. However, he is cut off by a soft creaking noise coming from a little ways down the hall way in front of us.

Leon motions for me to keep quiet and follow him as he raises his gun and flashlight, creeping down towards the noise. I follow behind after picking up the small blue backpack that Leon left on the floor, too preoccupied with the eerie sounds and hoist if onto my shoulders.

We walk a couple meters before coming across a wooden door on the left side of the hall, slightly ajar and swaying back and forth slowly in the soft breeze coming from the shattered window adjacent to it. The window also gave us little light, illuminating the area in a faded blue light that appeared to be coming from the moon. It sends a chill through the space, making me thankful for having a jacket now, no matter how thin it is.

Leon approaches the door and gently taps it with his knuckles, letting it sway back slowly to open up the room. He shines the flashlight inside first, glancing around before sticking his head in to get a better look. After a few seconds of glancing around inside the room, he turns to glance at me.

"Stay here" He orders in a hushed whisper, pointing a finger at me and furrowing his brow. I frown and open my mouth to argue but he cocks his gun as a way to cut me off. He steps once, going to head inside but I quickly grab his shoulder like I was earlier, causing him to stop his movements and face me again with a glare.

"Fuck that. I am not staying here by myself" I whisper back at him as I shake my head, staring at him with hard eyes, proving that I won't back down from this. How can he ask me to stay here alone when he just killed a Licker right in front of me not only five minutes ago?

The way he looks at me is like I've grown two heads. He mustn't be used to girls swearing in front of him since that's the second time he's had a reaction to my potty mouth. Or he could simply think I'm insane for questioning his direct order.

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