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New Domino City Centeral Hospital
General POV
Jack, Luna, Leo,Tanner,and Mister Yanagi are all currently gathered in the waiting room of the hospital while Zain and Akiza was being look agreed by the doctor Jack let out a growl "Stupid that idiot shouldn't of pushed him self" Luna casted a curious gaze towards Jack "Do you mean Zain" Jack nodded "Who else the idiot should have let me help him instead of putting on the tough guy act" Leo and Luna shared a glance before glanceing at Jack woth matching smiles "Ah you do care Jack" the blonde man let out a growl "Of Course I care you brats No matter what happen wirh me and Yusei Zain still my friend" the twins were about to contiue when the doctors intruppted them "Excuse me are you all here for Zain and Akiza" they nodded "How are they" asked Luna however the doctor reponse was cut off as two figured rushed past the group a brown haired man and a red haired women "Doctor how is my daughter" exclaimed the man pass them a glance The doctor questioned them "Who are you" "My name is Hideo and this is my wife Setsuko were Akiza parents" the doctor nodded "I see well sir as I was about to inform Akiza friends here on here condition you are free to listen in you see miss Akiza is physically fine but it's her mental state that worries me you see she is currently locked into a coma she appears to be suffering from a sort of heartbreak" the news caused shocked expression to cross the audience faces and Akiza parents began to shed some tears "Is there something we can do"asked Luna "Well perhaps of someone close to her were to come speak to her she might wake up you wouldn't happen to know anyone who could talk her out of it would you" the twins shared a look before wide grins crossed there  face " Yusei !!!!" They shouted Akiza parents stepped up to questioned the twins however Jack stepped in between them "We now someone who can get Akiza out of this but first can you tell me how Zain is" the doctor nodded "Yes you see his condition is a bit rougher than Akiza he has a few torn ligaments and some rather ugly looking bruising but nothing a little rest won't fix its rather remarkable he isn't severely injured after being covered by ramble it's almost as if something protect him and Akiza from serious injury" Jack nodded and let out a sigh of relief  "Thanks doc" the doctor nodded before turning to leave not moment later Akiza parents question the group again "So you guys know someone who can help our daughter where are they" turning to face them Jack spoke up "He is in satellite"

End Of Chapter
An alright here's the next chapter hopefully you enjoyed it next chapter Yusei returns wonder what his reaction gonna be to the news about Zain and Akiza
Until Next Time

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