Chapter 1-Transfer

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Natsumi POV
"Hello students we have a new student here today."
"I know that look."
"He makes that look when he sees boobs."

"Quiet now," Kuro sensei coughs up shaking his head then looks over at me. "Come in."
Nodding I walk in.
"Natsumi?" Yuki questions.
"Sup Flower girl," I reply.

"You were only in school for like two months and you transfer here?" Yuki questions shaking me.
"My attendance records and they tried to manipulate me," I answer casually."I also got in a few fights which includes three guys."
"Sounds like you," Yuki sweatdrops letting go of me.
"Great now your here," Karma groans.

"You breathe no that won't do at all," I shake my head crossing my arms.
"I've seen scientists hotter than you," Karma smirks.
"Wanna say that again kiss up?" I reply glaring at him.
"I don't kiss up to anyone," he replies.
"Your right we just need to lower that ego of yours," I smirk back confusing him.

Before I could make a move voices around us begin to make their way in my head as waves of emotion hit me. The most significant being Yuki who I could tell was upset and confuse on how we know each other. "He's one of the guys I fought," I answer.
"Oh," Yuki answers shortly.
"Where should I sit?" I hum seeing an open seat next to a bluenett I take the spot.

So Yuki is in love with red?
This isn't good at all.

That teacher is something else. Wonder how long it'll take for someone to get rid of him. From what I heard Yuki likes the teacher so I'm definitely not going to do it even if it means mass destruction if Yuki likes a person I won't be their cause of demise which leads my newest problem.
"Death?" Karma questions with his usual smirk.

"Keep it up and maybe I will be you howler monkey."
"Sensitive to the light mole?"
"Never have been little fruit bat."
"I'm taller than you. Should you even be in this school?"
"Should you even exist?"
"Stop breathing your breathe causes global warming."
"Look in the mirror you'll shatter it."
"Says the one who didn't want to hurt a teacher."
"Well I'm allowed to now."
"Your always allowed to."
"That's what got you expelled from the last school."
"And what got you sent here? It certainly wasn't just because of a student you hurt? Your feelings were hurt by a teacher boo hoo."
"Atleast I have feelings you weed. Always soaking up people's emotions and can't even handle it. Pathetic."
"Excuse me for being raised in a confine environment. I'm not use to people or emotions so when I express an interest in one it winds up with me fighting them or pushing them away."
"There you go playing the blank card. Smile more you a robot or something?"

3rd POV
"Does no one notice how she said if she took an interest in a person she pushes them away or fights them?" Kaede questions.
"Does that mean she liked Karma at one point?" Rio asks.
"Maybe even more than like," Rinka adds on.
"Doubt it," Yuki replies.
"How would you know?" Mimura wonders.

"I know her," Yuki answers simply.
"She doesn't seem to like him at all," Nagisa states as the two said people argue.
"She likes him as a brother," Kaede answers popping an idea.
"Tell us how were they like when they met?" Kirara questions.
"Yeah," Takuya cuts in.

"The principal gave her personal tutors for certain classes since she kept skipping lessons. Her first tutor was me until I transferred here. Her second is now her ex and the third was Karma. Even with all her tutoring the principal knew she didn't need he just gave up on her ever having perfect attendance and sabotage her relationship," Yuki explains.

"I think that's the longest you've ever spoken," Terasaka says with a few agreeing along with her.
Red face Yuki looks away.

"Wanna walk home together?" Natsumi questions.
"Sure let me just grab my stuff," Yuki smiles grabbing her bag.
"It's nice finally having classes together now we can walk each other home," Natsumi points out.
"Guess the principal gave up on us," Yuki shrugs.

"Look they're walking home together."
"No fair we didn't even get to talk to her because of her arguing with Karma."
"Guess we'll have to try tomorrow."

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