"Yeah I can, but it has to be quick. I really have to go to the bathroom before Biology."

"Zeke!!!! You're here!!!!!"

"Hey, babe. How has your day been? Anything exciting happen?"

"Not really. But you finally get to meet my bestie!!! She is right here."

"Hey, I'm Clarke, the bestie. I have heard a lot about you."

"Haha, all good I hope. I have also heard a lot about you."

"Yeah, it is all good. Wait, what have you heard about me?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. You are overbearing, overprotective, and just super pushy," I started getting mad at Raven, "but also a great friend, and you always listen to everyone else's problems and put everyone else first."

"That is sweet, Ray, Okay I really have to go to the bathroom now. I only have fifteen minutes until my next class, Love you Ray." I say as I run out of the cafeteria to the bathroom.

As soon as I turn the corner to the bathroom I bump into someone. "Oh my gosh, I am soooo sorry, I did not see you there. I am so sorry."

"Chill out, Princess," That voice. I know that voice, and that nickname. I did not need this today. "It's okay, I didn't drop anything, I should be apologizing to you. I wasn't paying attention either. Are you okay."

"Yeah, John, I am okay. I just won't have anytime to get to the bathroom before class if I don't leave right now. I probably won't even make it to class."

"Look, I am sorry, okay, I will finish picking up your stuff. You go to the bathroom. What is your next class?"

"Biology in room 319."


"Why is that good? That's upstairs."

"It is good because I have Biology right now, too."

"You're taking Bio?"

"Yeah, now go to the bathroom, and hurry up. I will get your stuff up there and have a seat next to me ready when you get there."

"Thank you so much, John. I don't know how to thank you."

"Just go to the bathroom." he chuckled as he rolled his eyes and picked up the rest of my stuff.

As I was heading up to the class room, I ran into another person I knew. Bellamy Blake, yes the same Bellamy Blake I was being jealous of in lunch, yes the same Bellamy Blake that is also Octavia's brother. I am soooo going to be late for class. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. Gosh I am so uncoordinated today."

"It's Okay, Princess. Say, where is all of your stuff?"

"My stuff? Oh right, well you see, I had to go to the bathroom before class and as I was turning the corner I bumped into John right, and so all my stuff went flying and turns out John has the same class as me right now, and..," The bell rang, "Dang it!!! I've gotta get to class. But my stuff is already there."

That was totally not awkward at all. Twice in one day, twice, in the same hour. These last few classes are going to take forever. Finally, I walked into the classroom just before the bell rang again. "Hey, Thank you again, for bringing my stuff to class. I appreciate it so much I can't even tell you, I had to get out of the cafeteria fast and needed to go to the bathroom, so I was in a hurry." I said to John as I sat down.

"Hey, it's okay, I stopped suddenly in the middle of that hallway opening anyway, so it really was my fault."

"You stopped in the middle of the hallway? Why?"

Jealousy [A Bellarke fic]Where stories live. Discover now