Chapter 2: Color Wheel of Joy

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~5 Years Later~

A rigid sign slowly withered in the ground, the contents held the title of the abandoned island of Flora Isles. The island consisted of a complete forest with only a small clearing towards the middle.

"Ready or not here I come!" A  childish voice yelled between the thick trees. Blurs of red, blue, and green raced through the forest. A little girl wearing blue ran behind a boy in red as another boy in green chased them. They giggled and laughed until, the little girl and boy in red disappeared in the crowd of trees, leaving the child in green all alone.

The small boy wandered the forest until he came across six trees. Two of each tree had a certain colored paper, the two on the end had blue, the middle was red, and the last two were green. The little boy cupped his hands around his eyes and began counting.

"One... Two... Three..."

"That's not correct!" The girl in blue jumped down from her tree. "You're doing it wrong!" She complained. The other boy jumped down after her.

"Then you do it." said the two boys. The girl nodded and began to count.

"Yon... San... Ni... Ichi... Rei!" When she reached zero, she opened her eyes to see two empty spots in front of her. The boys ran while she counted. "You guys are cheaters!"

"Ryder, Issac, (Y/n), Come home now!" Shouted a woman's voice. (Y/n) quickly scrambled out of the forest and ran into the clearing. A small house stood on top of a large hill. Directly before it stood her older brothers, (Y/n) ran forward and attached herself to Ryder's redshirt.

"You left me!" (Y/n) cried. Issac and Ryder turned quickly to comfort her. Issac smushed her into a hug, her face buried in his green shirt as Ryder hugged her from behind.

"We're sorry." They apologize. Ryder then grabbed hold of (Y/n) and Issac.

"As the eldest," Said Ryder, "I say we run to the house before momma gets angry."

"You're not the oldest! I am!" Issac argues.

"No, I am. By a minute!" Ryder's voice stated in a matter of factly.

"Who said that?!"

"Momma did, I'm oldest and I'm her favorite!" Issac shut his mouth after his brother's statement. (Y/n) watched the two boys bicker before cutting in.

"What about me?" She shyly asked. The brothers stopped arguing and faced their blue sister.

"You'll always stay our adorable little sister!" Ryder picked her up and began running towards the house as Issac trailed behind.

A woman with long blonde hair waited in the doorway. She tapped her foot quickly and glared at the children disapprovingly.

"Have you finished your chores?" She asked. The children hung their heads in shame until Ryder stepped up and explained.

"No momma, we took a break from working." His tone faltered under his mother's gaze.

"That's not an excuse." She reprimanded. She then grabbed the two boys by their shirts and dragged them in the house. "Finish washing the dishes," she ordered.

(Y/n) was left alone as her mother and siblings vanished. She kicked a couple of rocks until she stumbled over the hose. Her tiny hands grabbed the handle and lugged the long water rope over to a patch of flowers. She used both hands to turn on the water, but wasn't strong enough making her land in a mud puddle.

Youthful laughter filled the air as she shook her head. Ryder and Issac leaned out the window with their sleeves rolled up and their hands covered in soap. Bubbles clung onto Ryder's spiky orange hair and Issac's teal hair was soaked in soapy water and stuck to his forehead. (Y/n) joined in on their laughter and giggled.

She got up off the ground and examined herself. her blue shirt and shorts were doused with water and covered with mud and grass, not to mention her very long hair was covered in leaves. When she began to gather her long, midnight blue hair into her arms, the front door slammed open revealing her mother. She walked towards her and grabbed her by the wrist.

"If your just gonna dirty yourself then stay inside." Her mother chided.

(Y/n) sniffled, "But I wanna play outside..."

"Well not anymore." The girl was dragged inside and placed in the bath. Her mother picked the leaves out of her hair as she splashed in the water. Nothing was said or heard except for the occasional swish of water. (Y/n) was eventually taken out of the bath and wrapped in a towel. Her mother left to deal with her brothers, leaving her to dress. She yawned as she exited the bathroom.

(Y/n) shuffled into her shared room and flopped onto the bed. She rapidly began losing consciousness until the door opened. Ryder and Issac climbed into bed beside her and fell asleep. Hands and legs interlocked as their soft snores resounded in the room.

~Time Skip~

A knock echoed through the house, waking the three sleeping children. Ryder was the first to get up, his small hands clutched the blankets, pulling them up above his and his sibling's heads. Eventually, their colorful heads peeked around the door frame one by one. Their mother's footsteps made the floorboards creak and the children hid until her silhouette passed them. Ryder held (Y/n)'s hand while Issac held her hair, like a safety rope. The triplets camouflaged themselves against the wall, peered out their bedroom door as their mother opened the front door.

A tall, burly man with blond hair was revealed in the moonlight he was taller than the door itself. The children's mother cowered in fear at the sight of the giant. His gruff voice sliced through the thick tension in the air. He spoke their mother's name in a cold tone.

"Luna, it's been a while."


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