Princess of Asgard 5

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Alyanna doesn't say anything as Thor grabs her hand and leads her away. With every step they take away from the room, her anger slowly begins to evaporate, but now she just wanted to mess with Thor.

Putting on a pout, Alyanna removes her hand from his, causing him to look at her in confusion. When he sees her face, he immediately stops faces her. "My love, what is wrong?"

She bites her lip and turns away. "That woman was beautiful, I could never dance like that."

Thor's contorts into that of disgust. "Are you kidding? That harlot has probably slept with every mateless asgardian in the kingdom. Completely and utterly unattractive."

Alyanna quirks an eyebrow. "What about me, I sleep with four other men and a woman. Does that make me a Harlot?"

Thor's mouth drops open and he looks like a fish out of water. "What? You KNOW that is different!"

Alyanna breaks into a smile, punching his arm slightly as she laughs with amusement. "I'm joking babe."

Seeing her switch of mood made Thor feel way better. "Thank Odin, for a second there you had me worried."

Alyanna giggles, "I trust you. You're like a big teddy bear!" She jumps into his arms and he swings her around playfully.

"A very ferocious and mighty bear," he thunders as they laugh together.

The couple continue towards the castle, all the while being watched by a pair of glowing green eyes.

Loki grimaces at his plan failing. "Drats," he scoffs, watching through the mind of Fandral. "I underestimated their bond. Move to plan B," he says before pulling away from Fandral's mind.

The blond warrior stumbles and shakes his head, blinking rapidly. "What just happened?" He asks himself.

Next Scene
Next Day.

Alyanna was awoken by small kisses going up her bare back. Hot breath tickles her ear and she smiles and mews before rolling over up to face her handsome soulmate. Thor hovers above her, his eyes twinkling as he moves his lips onto hers.

"Good morning princess, it's our wedding day," he crooned against her lips.

"Wedding day?" Alyanna murmurs before the realization finally dawns on her. "It's our wedding day!" She suddenly sits up and pushes Thor away from her. "I didn't realize! We have so much to do! I don't even have a dress! How can I get married without a dress?!" She begins to panic and Thor could only chuckle at her erratic behavior.

She turns a sharp eye to him. "Oh you think this is amusing?"

Thor shrugs and purses his lips. "There is nothing to worry about. Everything has been taken care of," he reassures.

She palms her face, her breathing coming back down.

Thor reaches forward and grabs her ankle, pulling her towards him. She yelps from the sudden movement but sighed in content at feeling the warmth from his body pressed against hers. "After the night is over, I will claim you here as your first husband," he purrs into her ear.

"Tony won't like this," she points out with a laugh.

"Stark can chew on those fancy sunglasses," he remarks playfully.

They continue to kiss when a knock on the door interrupted them. Pulling the cover over them, Thor calls out to the door.

Eli pops her head in, a blush tingling her cheeks upon seeing the pair. "My apologies your majesty, but it is time to get ready for the ceremony!" Her cheerful voice rings.

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