you are my midnight

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Josh came back sick from his Australian tour, which meant he had to rest his voice and speak as little as possible. Everyone who knows Josh, knows he LOVES talking, so this was his living nightmare. The first day he was back he was so excited to tell you everything about tour that you had to remind him several times that he couldn't speak. Which resulted in him pouting at you and leaving the room and in you feeling sorry for him. After a week of being back home, there was still no improvement and you started to worry about him but tried not to show it too much because you knew Josh was worried too. So you tried your best to take care of him, day and night. You had rented all of his favorite movies and you watched a few together every day. You made him hot soup for his throat and smoothies so he'd get enough vitamins in. You felt like you were taking care of your sick child, but you actually kind of liked it. You liked that he needed you and he was so grateful for what you did. 

Every time you brought him his soup, he'd go: 'You're amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you.' 

'You'd probably be dead by now.' 

He laughed, which hurt his throat a little and you said he couldn't speak anymore for the rest of the night. He sighed and got up. You thought he was frustrated again and needed to be alone, but a few minutes later he came back with a notepad. 

'Why didn't we think of this sooner?' You ask him. 

He shrugs and starts writing. 'I guess we're both not as smart as we'd like to think.' 

You chuckle. 'Apparently not.' 

You two settle on the couch to watch the next movie. The notepad laying on Josh's lap. Halfway through the film, Josh starts writing frantically. 

'What the hell are you doing?' 

It looks like he's writing an entire essay. After a few minutes he stops and hands you the notepad. You stare at it. It's a fucking review of the movie, he even gave it a score. 

'What am i supposed to do with this?' Josh shrugs. You read it anyway. It starts as a review but then it turns into a love letter. A love letter directed at you. He tells you how much he appreciates you taking care of him, being by his side at all times. How much he misses you when he's away. How he loves that he can make you smile, that your laugh is the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. How you're the best sex he's ever had. How content he is falling asleep next to you every night. Your eyes start to water. You're at the last line. 

'In conclusion, I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I love you, so yeah... I just wanted you to know that.' 

You're crying now. You look at Josh, who's looking at you kind of sheepishly. 

'I love you so much.' You softly kiss his cheek, but that doesn't do it for you, so you kiss his lips anyway. Fuck laryngitis. You'd happily be sick for the rest of your life if you had Josh right next to you.

josh kiszka // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now