Poisoned Jewls

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I avoided everyone apart from Audrey and Jane. No one seemed to care, Maybe Pinkie was right, they don't like me anymore. There was an incident with the AK's and VK's. Audrey kept repeating her self to Mal "There is no way Ben would make a villain a Queen, we all laughed... apart from me cause I knew the truth. Audrey, Chad, Jane, Doug and Lonnie walked off ahead of me "Next week will be amazing, lets grab that wand and blow this Popsicle stand" Mal and the others walked off, not one even looking back once to even see what I'm doing... Its been 3 hours and I miss them...

-Next day-

Evie walked over to me "Hey I have to fit your dress according to Ben, come with me" I followed Evie to her dorm room "I don't understand why I have to do this? There has to be a tailor around here to do it!" Evie yelled as she got the dress from the stand and told me to put it on.

-Evie POV-

I saw (Y/N) and went to go get her for her dress fitting "I need to get your dress fitted, come on" I smiled cheerfully but she stared at me blankly, I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me "Ok stand there and just put this dress over what you have on" I said as i handed her the dress, she just looked at me like I told her something bad "Nice necklace I smiled.

-Your POV-

"That necklace is horrendous, where did you find that?" She scoffed.

-Evie POV-

"Your silent today... so is Carlos, what happened, your usually going for a walk with dude" I asked.

-Your POV-

"No answer hey? You are useless, no wonder your father treated you badly... no wonder Carlos left you, also Carlos is my new date for the coronation" Evie smirked and I just broke down into tears "I'm not usless..." I muttered

-Evie POV-

I looked back at (Y/N) and she broke down into tears "(f/i/n) are you ok? what happened?" I asked and dropped everything "I'm not useless" she mumbled.

-Your POV-

"Stop crying, your so annoying give me back the dress, I'll just have to tell Ben your not going, that shall make the coronation a lot better... go leave!" She yelled as i gave her the dress back and stormed out the room.

-Evie POV-

I told her to calm down, she muttered something like "don't tell...coronation..." and handed me the dress storming out the room. She was excited for the coronation, now i think her mind switched like a light switch... "Whats wrong with her?" Mal asked "I don't know, she just broke down and ran out" I sighed "she's been acting off lately" Mal added "whats wrong with (Y/N)?" Jay asked as he walked into the room with Carlos trailing behind. "We have no clue" Mal said "Also, Carlos why was the necklace glowing green" I asked "what necklace?" He asked "didn't you get (y/n) a necklace with a paw on it?" I asked and he shook his head I was gonna give her one but she keeps avoiding me, I went out and got one but she wont talk to me" He sighed "why did you just randomly go out and get one?" Jay asked "I was gonna ask her to be my date to the coronation but she wont talk to me" He seemed a little sadder than this morning.

-Your POV-

I ran to Audrey's dorm and flopped onto my bed and cried "Whats wrong?" Audrey asked "Evie being a jerk" I sighed "She's the daughter of a stuck up queen, of course she's being jerky" Audrey rolled her eyes "but i'm the daughter of a villain who got jealous, doesn't that make him stuck up too?" I asked "but your his daughter, your a cool child" Audrey smirked.

-Audery POV-

Its working, I'm gonna get my revenge on Mal from taking Ben! I don't understand why I'm using little lion girl but Mal and the others are getting worried as (Y/N) has been 'acting off' its funny but also annoying because the lion keeps crying over illusions... I'll keep it up for another few days and that will be it.

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