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"So how come we are out here?" I asked as i rested my head on Carlos' shoulder "just thought it would be nice that's all, why are you asking Paws?" Carlos asked "Just thought this wouldn't be a place you would want to go....Spots" I looked up at him "hey (y/n), do you think our parents will be mad if we fail?" He sounded worried " I mean... your mother wont tear you apart if you fail" I laughed a little bit then paused knowing he wasn't meant to know that "really? you're treated like that?" Carlos asked. I looked at him and stood up, going to walk away. I know neither of us are treated well by our parents, and I know it was for the best as they are only trying to push us to be the best we can... but don't realise how far they push us "hey (y/n) wait up" Carlos said as he caught up to me "why did you walk off?" he asked "I just needed to go for a walk" I shrugged "you didn't need to go for a walk did you?" Carlos asked "what do you mean?" I asked "you seem sad about something" he sighed "its nothing, I'm fine" I turned away and headed back to my dorm "you can come if you want, I'm only going back to the dorms" I said over my shoulder and heard him walk behind me "you do know if you need to talk about it you can tell me now" Carlos put his hand on my shoulder "I'm fine" I growled and walked off headding back to my dorm.

-time skip-

I closed the door behind me, Evie designing new dresses "you're back early" she asked "yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and threw myself on my bed "whats wrong?" Evie asked "nothing" I turned over and looked at the wall "alright then" Evie said before the whole room going silent.

-next day-

I was up before Mal or Evie, which is a surprise since I'm usually asleep until 7:3... It's only 6:45. I got dressed and walked out the room, looking for Simba's childeren. "You felines are so annoying" that similar voice echoed through the halls "Leave them alone Audery" Kopa's voice argued back, I followed the voice to see Kion and Kiara stood behind Kopa "ughh, its not my fault they where in my way" she rolled her eyes, I walked up behind the three so only Audery could see me "now there is four of you?" She scoffed "yeah, but at least know that I might be a villain but these are family so I wont hesitate to stick up for these, so if I where you, I'd run away and never come back and leave my cousins alone" I hissed "Ugh whatever" Audery walked away "why did you help us?" Kion asked "I had everything under control" He growled "sorry for helping you, why do you think your father was scared to return home? why do you think my father took over the pride lands with no battle for three years? BECAUSE SIMBA IS WEAK, LIKE YOU! AUDERY COULD HAVE POKED YOU AND ALL OF YOU WOULD HAVE FALLEN OVER! Take some appreciation" I walked away heading to class.

-time skip-

Fairygod mother kept rambling on about all the goody stuff "also remember, Parents day is on Sunday so I'd advise you to not fight or cause any trouble" FGM pointed at Jay and Carlos. "There is an exam tomorrow on goodness and fairies so be prepared for that" Mal and Evie looked at me with a smile and I laid back in my chair "So now, I want you each to finish these sentences" She started "I found group of kids are found in the school corridor being picked on, I stopped and then...." She stopped her sentence and I raised my hand "Attempted to help them but because your cousins are descendants of royalty and your just a villain, they think your good for nothing and push your help away so you just walk away and don't give a spotted zebra on whats going on" I growled and everyone just stared at me "Miss (l/n) stay behind after class please" Fairygod mother continued her lesson "are you feeling ok?" Mal asked and I ignored her...

-time skip-

I was heading to my dorm when I overheard Kion talking to someone "I've noticed her glaring at him" a feminine voice said, I looked to see Jane "and what do you want me to do?" Kion growled "anything to keep her away" Jane rolled her eyes "you do realise her father is my uncle and somehow he'll find out and do who knows what to me" Kion said back "I never said you had to ya know— kill her... I just said keep her away" Jane walked off and I walked over to Kion "and what was that about?" I asked "nothing" Kion walked away and I walked back to my room.

I swear they where talking about me... I'm not gonna jump to conclusions and go with what Evie said and talk to Carlos... if not, Jane is always lingering around now...

I got dressed into something else and ran down the corridor to find Carlos, Luckily for me he was walking Dude "CARLOS!" I ran over to him "cam I talk to you?" I asked as he looked over his shoulder "yeah what's wrong?" He asked "I uhhh..." I just stared at him... it went silent "I like you..." I stopped and smiled at him he went to talk "and I mean a lot... like, like like you" I smiled nervously... there where no words but replacing the silence was a hug, I was stiff for a second... but eventually hugged back "I like you a lot too" Carlos whispered and I smiled... we let go of the hug and I walked with Carlos around the field as he walked Dude for about an hour...

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