6: The Best Policy

Start from the beginning

"Check on me?" I ask confused. "I'm fine."

"Really?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me. "Because back there-" He points over his shulder to the living room. "It looked like you were having a bad time."

"It's nothing personal," I tell him, placing my right hand on my hip. "Its just I'm not exactly having the best time. Considering everything."

Niall nods, understanding. "I really wish you told me, Maddy."

"What difference would it had made?" I ask him. "I'm still in this situation whether I told you or not. Besides, it's not really your problem."

"Well, no, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't care." Niall tells me, taking a step forward, placing his hand on my arm. "We do have a conscience you know?"

"Yeah, but it's still embarrassing," I say, trying to ignore the feel of his hand on my arm. "How can I tell the guy who has everything that I have nothing?"

Niall stares at me and for a moment I remember the look on his face when I fell on him mere hours before. This look is different and I'm not sure if I like it. His upper lip is sucked in as if he is thinking hard and his eyes are running over me. I shift uneasily, desperately wishing that I can just go. But, just like every other time I feel like running, I quickly remember that I have no where to run to, which is exactly why i'm still here. Which is why i'm trying to expand my stay here as much as possilbe. Why leave one roof when I don't have one of my own?

"Come on," Niall says as he tugs on my arm, leading me back to the living room where the boys and Paige are all talking in hushed tones. The moment Niall and I step in view, they all stop talking and look up at us. Paige smiles at me. 

"Okay," Niall says as he stops a few feet from the couch. "I know this is a lot to ask, and I know this may seem strange, but I want Maddy to stay with us. We can't just let her go off when she has no where to sleep. We have all this extra space so it won't be a problem. So, can she?"

Everyone stops and looks between Niall and I. My eyes are widened in surprise. I wasn't expecting Niall to suggest this. In fact, this was the last thing I was expecting from him. I knew he would try to help me, maybe offer me some food for the road or some spare clothes, but this? I had no clue. I'm overcome with such an extreme feeling of happiness. 

Louis is the first to get up. "I second that notion! Let Maddy stay."

"I agree, we can't let her go," Harry nods in agreement, earning a small kiss on the cheek from Paige. Obvious approval. 

"Yeah! We would be real pricks if we let her go," Zayn says, nodding towards Niall.

"I don't know, you guys," Liam says, running his hands through his brown hair. "I don't know if we can just adopt someone like this." 

"Aw, come on!" Louis complains as he makes his way to me, wrapping his arms around my neck, hugging me. "Can't we keep her? We'll take good care of her."

 And suddenly, I feel like a dog. Despite the fact that i'm being compared to an aminal, I don't really care. I'm just happy that I might actually have a place to stay. I will roll over, play dead and fetch if that means I can have a bed to sleep on. I just need to convince Liam.

"I promise, I won't be here long," I tell Liam. "Just until I find a job and a place to live. You won't even notice i'm here."

Liam looks between me and the rest of the boys as they all beg him to let me stay. I can't help but feel flattered that they all want me to stay. 

"Please Liam!" Zayn begs batting his long eyelashes.

"We'll make sure to clean up after her and everything," Harry adds.

"It'll be nice to have another girl here!" Paige adds with enthusiasm. 

"And," I add for the hell of it. "I'm house trained. So, you won't have to worry about any surprises."

Liam laughs, small dimples appearing at the side of his face. "Well, that is a plus."

"So?" Niall asks eagarly. "Is that a yes? Can Maddy stay?"

Liam sighs before nodding his head. "Of course, Maddy can stay."

And just like that I have a temporary place to stay. Thanks to Niall Horan.



Finally over my cold!! :D Sorry for the boring chapter...BUT YAY FOR NIALL!! Now Maddy has a place to stay for the time being! :D :D

--------------> Niall being awesome! :D

I'm a very happy girl right now! I'm finally over 2,000 total votes and 3 more fans until i hit 300! Oh my goodness! ;D 

I'm trying to dedicate chapters to those who constantly comment and support me. I do notice these things, and I apprecaite everyone who does support me! You guys make writing 10x as awesome as it already is! 

Until chapter 7! I luff you all! :D

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