Chapter 21

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When we'd finished breakfast I threw on my clothes from yesterday and went back to my own room. All my things were still there so I decided it would be easier to get ready in that room. We arranged that Chris would call for me in an hour as he said he needed to shower and make a couple of phone calls before we left.

I entered my room, kicked off my shoes and threw myself down on the bed. I was finding it hard to believe what had happened the day before. As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, smiling to myself I heard my phone beep to indicate a text. I rolled over and grabbed it from the cupboard where I'd just dropped it and looked at the screen. The text was from Christine
"Hi Mia. How did it go yesterday? Call me. x"

I hit call and Christine picked up straight away!
"Hey Mia."
"Hi Christine"
"Well?" She said
"Well what?" I teased.
"Don't give me that. Spill!" she laughed.
"Yesterday was a great day" I told her.
"Oooohhhhh!" she squealed excitedly "So what did he say when he saw you?"
"Not much, he was on stage but he smiled. Oh Christine that smile...." I heard her laugh "What's funny?"
"It's just strange to think that a little while ago you were trying to deny you had any feelings for him at all..."
"Yeah well...."
"Hey, it's good that you feel like this. I'm pleased for both of you. You deserve it. So after he smiled?"
"He invited me up on stage..."
"Oh my God! You played at the gig last night?"
"Yes! And it was so much fun."
"And afterwards?"
"We went back to his hotel room for something to eat."
"Sounds great. Did you get a kiss goodnight?"
"Not exactly....."
"Oh...." she sounded disappointed "Why not? What happened?"
" know that hotel room you booked for me...."
"Well I kinda didn't need it...."
I heard her scream and I couldn't help but grin.
"That's wonderful. I'm so happy this is working out for you. So where is he now? He's not listening to our conversation is he?" she asked suddenly nervous.
"No! Of course not. We're going on a date. A proper one, in New York. He's gonna show me around. So I'm back in my room to get ready."
"Oh Mia, it all sounds perfect."
"It is. Thanks Christine for helping me with this."
"It was my pleasure. Now go get ready and enjoy your date. You can tell me all about it tomorrow."
"I will. I promise. Bye."

With that the phone went dead and I sighed happily. For a moment I just lay there but then I noticed the time.
"Shit!" I muttered before rushing into the bathroom for my shower.                                                        
I'd just finished straightening my hair and putting on my makeup when there was a knock on the door. I took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked alright before rushing to let Chris in.
"Wow! You look amazing." he said.
I'd chosen a pretty, flowery dress that showed off all my curves and he seemed to like it.
"You look pretty good yourself." I grinned.
And he did. He was wearing black jeans with a slim T shirt that showed off his fit body and let me see the tattoos I loved on his arms. I stepped out of the doorway so he could come in and as he walked past me he placed his arm around me and kissed me gently. There was something about that kiss that took my breath away.
"You ready for our date?" He murmured with that deep dark voice of his
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise. But I've made a few phone calls and it's all arranged. I hope you like it."
"I'm sure I'll love it." I told him as I returned his kiss. "Just let me grab my bag and I'm ready."

As we rode the elevator down to reception I stood quietly by Chris' side. After a few minutes I felt Chris slide his hand into mine and I entwined my fingers with his. I looked over to see him gazing at me, smiling and I felt myself blush. It was weird but even though we'd spent last night in bed together I still felt really nervous like I always do on a first date.
"You alright?" he asked.
"Yes" I answered managing a small smile.
He frowned a little like he wasn't sure I meant it.
"I just feel a bit nervous that's all." I tried to laugh but failed.
"Why?" he asked, even more confused now.
I shook my head
"I don't know. It's just this is our first date and....."
My words trailed off. When I said it out loud it sounded it even sillier than it felt in my head. Chris wrapped me in his arms and held me close.
"I love spending time with you, you know that. Today is gonna be great." he said as he kissed the side of my head.
I leaned back and smiled at him.
"I love spending time with you too."
I gave him a quick kiss just as the elevator doors opened on the ground floor and I turned to see a group of people waiting to get in. I felt my cheeks burn and I dropped my head away from their eyes. I heard Chris giggle and then felt his hand take mine as we stepped into the lobby.
"Morning" I heard him say to the strangers as we walked past.

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