Chapter 13

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I woke in a strange room and it took me a minute to remember what had happened the night before and work out that I must still be at Chris'. A wave of sickness flowed over me, partly because of what had happened with Taylor and partly because I was embarrassed that Chris knew how stupid I'd been. What the hell had I been thinking turning up on his doorstep crying my eyes out like that? I felt my cheeks start to burn at the thought. I threw back the blanket and sat up. What was I going to do? I listened and I couldn't hear anyone about. Maybe I should just leave without disturbing him?
I was just about to get to my feet when there was a gentle knock on the door. I held my breath.
"Mia?" I heard Chris' voice call "Can I come in?"
My head was spinning but I had no choice but to say yes.
"OK" I answered.
I dropped my head as I heard the door open, not sure I could look at him right now. I watched his feet come over to me and then felt him sit down on the bed beside me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"I'm alright."

"Yeah...." I nodded "Hey, I'm sorry for bothering you last night. Coming here was a stupid idea. I shouldn't have disturbed you."
"Yes you should." he replied quickly. "I'm your friend, you can always come to me if you're upset."
There was a slight pause and I could hear him sigh.
"Look Mia, I'm sorry for the way Taylor treated you. You know the Foos are like my family but right now he makes me fucking angry."
We sat for a minute side by side neither of us speaking, me staring at my feet.
"Mia, speak to me." he said giving me a gentle nudge with his elbow.
"I feel like such a fucking idiot....." I said without looking at him.
Immediately I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders and he pulled my close to him.
"Trust me you are not the fucking idiot, Taylor is." he kissed the side of my head. "Look at me." he said as he gently placed his hand beneath my chin and lifted my head. "I mean it, you did nothing wrong. He's a dick and shouldn't have behaved like that. Right now I'm ashamed to call him my friend. I'm really sorry he hurt you."
I smiled at him as best I could, why is he so kind to me? Why do I always feel so safe and so at home with him? I couldn't end my thoughts cause his eyes made me dizzy. He held my gaze for a little while and then stood up.
"Why don't you go and freshen up, the bathroom is over there" he said pointing to a door on the other side of the room "I'll go and put some coffee on. That sound like a good idea?"
"Sounds like a great idea." I told him.
I was starting to relax with him now, it felt good to know that he thought I wasn't to blame.
"Right I'll leave you to it then." he smiled before he turned and left the room

Once I was alone, I took a deep breath and wandered into the bathroom. I washed off my smudged makeup from the day before and made myself look a bit more presentable. I felt naked without my makeup but no makeup was a definite improvement to the mascara stains on my cheeks that had been there moments before. I left the bathroom, put on my shoes and then headed off to the kitchen to find Chris. When I walked in the room I saw him sat at a table, a mug of coffee in his hand. He looked up and smiled
"Sit down, help yourself." he said indicating some scrambled eggs and bacon on the table.
"I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat something." He looked at me sternly until I sighed and sat down opposite him, then he poured a coffee and handed it to me. I sat staring into mug until I heard Chris clear his throat, when I looked up he was holding out a plate of food towards me. I gave a little laugh and took the plate.
"That's better." he said smiling.

As we sat together Chris made conversation but I was finding it hard to join in, my mind kept wandering back to the things Taylor had said. I couldn't believe I hadn't realised what was going on. Now everything made sense, wanting to keep me a secret, not staying together over night, everything!
"Mia" Suddenly Chris' voice brought me back to reality.
I looked up at him and he gave a sad smile.
"I'm due in the studio in an hour so I'm gonna have to go soon. If you don't feel like going home just yet you're more than welcome to stay here. Just relax and help yourself to anything you want."
"It's OK. I should go home. I have things to do anyway. But thanks for the offer."
"I'll call you later then, see how you're doing?"
I nodded and smiled. I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have check up on me right now than the man sat the other side of the table.

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