Chapter 29: Too late

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(Y/N) Your Name 



Blue Eyes and Rocket drew out a map about the land they found. The ape council surrounded the map that was drawn out on a rock. The whole ape colony was in the massive cave. 

"This is it, father." Blue Eyes signed as he pointed to different things on the map. "We can start over. A new home.

"What is beyond those mountains, son?" Cornelia asked as Cornelius sat with her. 

"Show them, Rocket..." Blue Eyes signed. Rocket pulled out a small bag and put it on the rock in the middle of everyone. Blue Eyes put his hand in and pulled out a substance similar to dirt. Sand. A few apes played with the sand, considering that they had never seen anything like it before. Caesar watched and smiled and felt proud of his son. 

"A desert. The journey is long...but that is why humans will not find us." Blue Eyes explained. 

"We must leave tonight!" Winter signed. 

"Tonight? That's impossible." Lake signed with a bit of sass. 

"How long can we wait, Lake?" Winter protested. "The are lots of soldiers and they're getting closer!

"Winter-" Blue Eyes was interrupted by Winter swatting his hand away and standing up in a stressful manner. 

Caesar stood and stared at Winter with an angry gaze. Winter immediately sat back down and signed more calmly, "Your son's been gone, Caesar... He doesn't know how hard it's been." Caesar only continued to stare. 

"I know you're scared..." Blue Eyes signed to Winter. "We all are, but we're still planning." Then they all looked to Caesar. 

"Yes. We must find a safe way out of the woods. There were only two of you. But we are... many." He said as he slowly sat down and looked at Winter, who was still slightly scared. (Y/N) put her hand on Caesar's knee while Cornelia put her hand in his. Caesar looked to his wife and sister and held their hands. "We will find a way out of here." Then he raised his hands and changed them into fists. "Apes... together... strong." He put his fists together as every single ape, including (Y/N), copied his action. The apes hooted as they did. 


It was later that night and everyone was asleep except Caesar. He sat in his large make-shift nest with his wife and two sons. (Y/N) slept on her ledge with her wings keeping her body warm. Caesar gently touched Cornelius and Cornelia's head and smiled as he looked up to (Y/N) and down to Blue Eyes. 

Then his eyes flickered over to the waterfall as he saw a green light go around the cave. He slowly stood and walked over to the waterfall. Blue Eyes and (Y/N) woke up to the sound of his footsteps. Caesar reached his hand into the water and felt a rope. He pulled it close to him and looked at it for a few seconds. He let it go walked back to his nest and saw Blue Eyes walking over to him and (Y/N) watching them. He put his finger to his mouth telling them not to talk as he called (Y/N) down. 

"Stay here, son. Protect your mother and brother! (Y/N), come with me." Caesar walked over to the exit of their cave as (Y/N) followed. 

Caesar and (Y/N) walked through a path in the caves. Caesar slowly got faster and (Y/N) continued to follow her brother. They started running and turned the corner but stopped when they saw it was only Luca. Luca held up the gun quickly but put it down he saw it was the siblings. 

"Caesar! (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" He signed. 

"How many on patrol?" Caesar asked. 

"Five? Six?" Luca replied. 

"Get them. Luca, get Rocket too." He signed/said. Luca nodded and left. Caesar was about to continue walking but (Y/N) stopped him. 

"Caesar, wait." She whispered. "I think something's wrong. Go get the others, I'll check on Cornelia and the boys." Caesar nodded and they went in opposite directions. 

While Caesar went to go with the others, (Y/N) silently walked back to the royal apes cave. She got to the entrance but hid behind a wall when she heard two gunshots. Hesitantly, (Y/N) looked around the corner and saw the horrific sight. 

Blue Eyes and Cornelia were dead and blood was oozing from their heads. (Y/N) quietly gasped then looked around the room and saw Cornelius standing next to his brother's head, whimpering. She heard movement near the waterfall and saw a soldier aiming the gun at Cornelius. (Y/N) immediately flew over to Cornelius, grabbed him and hid behind a rock wall on the other side of the cave. 

The bullets missed both of them and stopped after a few seconds. Then (Y/N) heard heavy panting coming closer to the cave. Then multiple apes shrieking while bullets flew through the air and a loud roar was heard until it disappeared. (Y/N) continued to hold Cornelius in her arms until she knew it was safe. Cornelius hugged her tightly and hid away in her wings. 


Caesar sat down and stared at the floor, he didn't know what to think. 

"Caesar..." Luca signed.  "We can't find Winter. He was scared, I think he betrayed us!" Caesar put his hand on Luca's, telling him to stop. 

"Have you found Cornelius or (Y/N) yet?" He asked. 

Luca hesitantly replied, "We're still searching." Luca stood up next to Maurice. 

"Let's go look Caesar's sister and little son." Maurice signed. Then they all left. Caesar continued to stare at the floor and sighed when he saw a bullet on the floor. Then a sound, like a pin dropping on the ground, was heard. Caesar instantly dropped the bullet and picked up a spear while breathing heavily. 

Slowly, Cornelius poked his head out from around the wall. Caesar dropped the spear. 

"Cornelius..." He stuttered relieved while slightly crying. Cornelius ran to his father and hugged him. (Y/N) came out from around the corner behind Cornelius. "(Y/N)..." He said reaching out an arm to his crying sister. The three hugged tightly, still slightly petrified. "You're safe now." He said to both of them. 

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