Chapter 50: A Talk

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(Y/N) Your Name



(Y/N)'s wound didn't cause her to pass out but she was losing blood. Fortunately, along with a couple other injured apes, the three bullet holes had been patched up. Lucky for (Y/N), there aren't any bones in the majority parts of her wings, only near the top. The other two apes that had survived with bullet shots had lived easily because the bullets only made grazes on their skin. (Y/N) knew she would have to stay on the ground for a few days, which was the worst part. After being patched up, she thanked the nurses and met up with Rocket. 

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. No flying though. How are the others?

"They're fine. Apart from the deaths, you took the worst hit.

"A lot of apes took bullets for our community, including Caesar. Just my turn, I guess.

Rocket smiled. "You're strong, (Y/N)." He said. 

Then (Y/N) smiled, "Gotta be strong in this world. If you're not, good luck.

Rocket chuckled then changed the subject, "He was worried."

"Who? Maurice?" (Y/N) asked. 

Rocket shook his head, "no. The human boy. We had to keep him from going near you until he calmed down.

(Y/N) eyes widened. She didn't know that Damon cared that much about her. 

"Where is he now?" She asked Rocket. 

"In your tree I think." He answered. 

"Thanks." She said before she walked to her tree. It was a pain not being able to fly but it would strengthen (Y/N)'s other muscles, even though she was already stronger than the average human. Once she got to the bottom of her tree, she called out for Damon. 

"Damon! You up there?" She asked. Damon looked over and gasped. 

"Holy shit, (Y/N)! I'm coming down." 

"Nah, it's all good, I'll come up." 

"You sure?" 

"I was shot in the wing, not the leg." She laughed as she made her way up the ladder. She sat down next to Damon before Damon hugged her tightly. 

"I was so worried. I don't know why but I had this fear that if I lost you...I didn't know what I'd do..." (Y/N) then smiled. 

"I didn't know you cared that much." 

"You let my brothers and I live with you. You welcomed us into your lives when you thought we were threats. And I can't thank you enough."

"I'm just following my brothers ways. Caesar saw the good in others. He used mercy instead of force. But if he needed to use force, he would." 

"He's very wise." 

"Yeah, he was...So I heard that you were kept away from me because you went crazy when you heard about me being shot." (Y/N) said smugly.

"Well, when someone comes up to you and tells you 'your leader's been shot three times', you kind of go a little bit crazy." Damon said making them both laugh. 

"Leader?" (Y/N) asked. Damon smirked as well before (Y/N) lightly punched him in the arm and they both laughed. 

"So how long do you have to wait before you can fly again?" Damon asked, changing the subject. 

"A couple of days. Just until it's back to normal." She said.

The sound of thunder interrupted their conversation. "Looks like there's gonna be a storm." Damon noted. 

"Yeah." (Y/N) agreed. "Hopefully it's not a long one so we can set up the big bonfire and eat." The storm lasted about half an hour before the sky began to clear up. About fifteen minutes after, the fire had been made and the meat was cooking. While everyone ate, (Y/N) noticed Maurice was watching her. And he was smirking. 

"What do you want?" (Y/N) signed over to him with a smug. 

"You two seem to be getting close." Maurice signed back as he gestured to Damon, who was sitting next to (Y/N). (Y/N) just rolled her eyes which made Maurice chuckle. 

"You're funny. Just friends, honestly." She signed. She felt the sense of guilt for feeling slightly attracted Damon but she would never admit that she liked him anymore than a friend. 

Eventually, everyone had finished eating and had made their way to bed. The rain started again. "You get your brothers and Nova while I set up the covers in the tree." (Y/N) said. Damon nodded and gathered the three children. (Y/N) got to the tree, climbed up the ladder and set up the cover so they wouldn't get wet. The four humans made their way up the tree and soon they were all dry with the help of the animal skin that was tied to a few branches just above their heads. Damon laid down with his two brothers wrapped up in their animal skin blankets. Nova grabbed a blanket as well and laid with (Y/N) as (Y/N) leaned her back against the tree. She covered herself and Nova with her wings to keep them warm. 

(Y/N) looked over to Damon and saw him smile at her. And she smiled back. 


Holy Chalupa! 50 chapters! I never thought this book would go on for this long! Thank everyone for reading and I hope you're enjoying the book. I'm finding it slightly hard to think of ideas to put in this part of the book so if you have any suggestions, please message me and I'll see if I can put them in. Thanks!

- Chalupa

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