"Oh! These are reading glasses" she muttered sensing his confusion.
Smiles crept on their faces as they sipped the coffee.

"Aren't you the CEO?" She asked, more comfortably.

He sipped one more time before responding to her,
"Yes," he proudly defended himself and then encapsulated the Kuruvanshi Empire's hierarchy.

The smile which she had on her face was of experienced pride, happiness started growing around her, for her, birth order of children in a family never determined anything, and this is what she saw in her family too, girls or boys, elders or juniors, all were treated with the same respect,
her teeth were now showing loudly as he continued, his family too believes in abilities rather than birth order and thus he was the CEO and his elder brother was within his jurisdiction.

"Then why are you roaming like jobless people?" Another thought popped up into her mind, other than the proud feeling.

Arjun felt pitiful and shy towards himself, her words were like the sour candies which he despised since childhood.

"Umm, I met your brothers and so, I did some homework already" she wrung her hands before finishing,
Arjun's twisting feet were dominating, intending her to stay away from his brothers rather than timidly covering up for his professional woes.

The lady foolishly nodded agreeing to his groundless request,
his nerves were flinching thinking about the growing interest of his twin brothers in the woman, he desired for.

Isn't she enchanting? A voice struck his head with colossal intensity, a comment from someone dear, but definitely not from the twins, it was a more matured and masculine tone. Why was he hallucinating again?

"Vidyut! Vidyut!" The people who were sitting in a circle cheered.
The guy came up to his knees from cross-legged, the soon to be officials merrily sealed their lips thanking the task assigned to them through the means of 'spin the bottle game.'

"Gross" a voice rose amidst the hooting.
All eyes turned towards Draupadi, her timid lips opened so that she can bite her nails, was that too loud? Her innocent plea did not affect Vidyut.

Draupadi, after the official increment of her brother and best friend as boyfriend-girlfriend was the only one who secretly grudged their relationship, sometimes, as she had been termed as a third person in their relationship, the two mad in love would spend time together not giving much importance to her, so obviously she was envious but, alright, she was happy too.

"Anyways," Laks said, rotating the bottle.
The bottle helped destiny shape itself when it stopped circumscribing,
Arjun slowly opened his eyes after praying to god while the bottle spun to get something related to him and the girl he secretly admires.

"Arjun" Laks shouted, making everyone deaf for a millisecond, the smart best friend had sensed some unnatural attraction between her beloved cousin and her best friend, her razor-sharp mind decided to involve the mutually attracted people, in this round.

Draupadi's eyes crossed the path of his gaze, a deep crimson blush visible on her face hollered about how anxious she was.
A gentle breeze soaked the two forbidden lovers as they muted themselves and stared at each other, unabashed.

"Say it with a sweet gesture" Laks declared the task of this round, playing safe and dignified,
her upturned eyes observed the eye contact session,

"Yes...yes?" Arjun shamefully realized the surroundings, decorous naughtiness increased among all, as the bride to be revealed the task,
The man knew whom he wanted to perform it with
but dignity prevailed over him, he acted to choose a girl from the gang,
"Err...Draupadi?" His face swelled up with a newfound audacity.

Laks bit her lower lip perceiving the amount of shyness her best friend inculcated, Nakul Sahdev giggled seeing their elder brother flowing with a strange strength.
Vidyut pursed his lips but soon calmed himself courtesy his fondness of the not much-acquainted person.

Arjun's hands gently surpassed hers, as he, almost immediately, removed them from in front of her abdomen, to get a good hold on her, she, without any problem, leaned an inch forward, submitting to her inner cravings, but Arjun, being true to his gentlemanly self, decided to speak something in her ear, his eyes were the softest shade of brown, mellow and smooth whereas hers were the darkest of brown, intense and zealous.
"You are breathtaking" his words made the world cease to exist for her, his hot and slow breath over her earlobe sent shivers down her spine, his lips moved over the lower side of her cheek, planting the gentlest touch of all times, her mushy cheeks soaked in glee.
Draupadi had always been complimented for her pretty and innocent looks by the people around her but today, for the first time, she wanted to embrace her beauty for being appreciated by this man.

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