"Angel-Face" Ep.7

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Chapter 7. Angel face

The  past few days have flown by like the wind. It was repetitive, sure, but  great. Class, train, clean, dinner, repeat. Bakugo would always cook  afterwards and we would chat for what seemed like forever, but also a  minute. 'Ah I'm not making any sense. How can it be a long and short time?' But tomorrow was the last day of the bet. Then i wont have any reason to talk to Bakugo anymore, though I really, really want  to... Of course the other students have noticed us hanging out a lot.  The girls would make jokes such as, "Look! Its the class love birds!",  to which I would always tell them to shut the hell up. This made them  joke even more saying i had "Picked up on my boyfriends language." I  could tell Bakugo was getting teased too. I'd occasionally hear how "The  beast has been tamed!" followed by booming noises. Maybe it's the girls  comments getting to my head but im starting to think this isn't a one  sided thing. That perhaps he likes me too. This past week, if I dare  say, had been the best time of my life. Even if i'm wrong, I'm starting  to understand what this whole love thing is.


I snap my brain back into reality, only to see Aziawa staring, as if into my soul. It kind of scared me a little. "Yes sir..?"

"Did you hear anything I  just said?" Crap he looks furious. "Or were you daydreaming? Again. FOR  THE FOURTH TIME TODAY." He really takes this class seriously.

"I'm sorry sir, it wont happen again. I just-"

"It's  my fault sir." I hear a familiar voice say. "You see, I was my phone  and I guess Uraraka noticed so she texted me." Bakugo says. Most of the  group smirks while looking between us as Bakugo continues, "I told her I  was busy but she wanted me to pay attention, so she kept messaging me.  This is a most important lesson after all." Adding a bit of sarcasm.

Aziawa rubs his eyes a bit and mutters something along the lines of 'dumb kids' before saying "Both of you, detention for an hour, NO PHONE."

'What the heck just happened?!'  Dejected, and slightly ashamed for having gotten carried off in the  first place, I slouch in my seat as the rest of class goes by.

Class ends and everyone leaves except us "Love birds" and our teacher.

Aziawa  says "Phones, now." Holding out his hand to claim our beloved devices.  After we give them to him he scolds us for not paying attention. Before  he leaves he says "You can not leave this class, you will not speak to  each other, you will not blow up anything." Looking directly at Bakugo.  "Maybe, just maybe, you'll learn to act responsible and take your  classes seriously." In a tone much like that of a dissapointed mother.  After quickly saying,"You will get your phones back in a week if you  stay out of trouble. You should start acting more like Midoria, Bakugo.  He studies harder than anyone and doesn't constantly cause me trouble."  He then leaves the room and there's a faint *click* to indicate we've been locked in.

He  clenches his fist. "Pfft, yeah right you old fart. Like I'm going to  stay quiet when there isn't even anyone here." Bakugo says from his  seat. Adding in a '#1' hand gesture towards the door. "And I'll never be like that damn nerd!"

I  get up and move to the seat next to him before asking "Why did you try  and cover for me? I could have just taken the blame. It was my fault for  not paying attention anyways..." I say.

"Yeah it is your fault. I'm not always going to be able to save your ass! Start thinking more, or in this case, less.  Shitty hair doesn't ever think, yet he turned out alright." His  disappointment is very obvious and hurts a little. I know he's right  though. "Besides," He adds "We were gonna train today and I don't wanna  train alone so obviously I had to help." He says, turning his head away  from me.

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