"It's how I was raised." Ep.6

Start from the beginning

I hear the other girls laugh a bit only for  Aziawa to whip around from the board and scold, "What do you think your  doing during class?! Are you texting again?" He glares at Mina "You did  it again didn't you. Girls, I want all your phones, now."

"Yes sir." We answer in unison.

The rest of the class goes by in a daze.

I pack up after class and start heading back to the dorms to start on our assignment when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Your not running, are you?" The familiar voice says.

"Oh,  Bakugo! I'm sorry, I completely forgot." I apologize. "N-not that I  don't want to train with you! It just slipped my mind." I quickly add.

"Whatever, lets just go." He starts walking off and I hear him grumble something.

'What's his problem?' I  wonder. I catch up to him and ask. "Whats on the agenda? I'm assuming  your just going to use my quirk and practice drills in the air."

"Eh you'll see. I just hope the stuff is there like usual." He replies.

We  arrive at the gym and head to our respective locker rooms to grab our  training suits. It's really nice that the university has all sorts of  places to train. 'Thank goodness the gym is just a large empty room. Considering what Bakugo's quirk is...'  Of course this is just one of the many training buildings. This  building is usually set up for sports such as basketball or just to  practice in a large area. However, there is a gym with actual weights.  But the point of us training together was to practice with our quirks. I  finish changing and head out to discover Bakugo is already there  waiting for me.

"Ready to start, round-face?" He inquires.

"Lets do this, murder face." I laugh.

"IT WAS A GOOD NAME!" He retorts, causing me to laugh even more.

"Guhhhh" I moan. I'm lying on the ground from exhaustion and Bakugo is a few feet on my right bent over panting.

"Why did we train for three hours. More importantly, why did you decide to bring out those." I ask, pointing over at the 500 pound giant balls of metal.

He had decided I would throw them at him, he would use his explosions to knock them back, and I would hit them back towards him again with  a giant metal pole. The point was to not let any of them pass us which  was hard considering how fast those things were going after a while. It  was basically like a really weird and giant game of ping pong.

In  between breaths he asks "Whats the point of training if only one of us  gets better. You needed to practice pushing your three ton weight limit.  I figure keeping ten of those plus the pole floating would do the  trick."

"Yeah, I guess your right. Thanks for that, I figured I  would just help you with air maneuvers the whole time." We only did that  for a few minutes.

"Of course I'm right. Let's go now." He comes over and offers me a hand. "Besides, you still have to clean my room."

Crap.  "Yeah alright fine." I say as he pulls me up to my feet. "Lets hurry,  its dinner time and I don't want to be cleaning all night."

"Understandable." He notes.

We change back into our clothes and head back to his dorm room.

"Make yourself comfy I guess." he says.

I've  never seen his room before and it's mostly plain. Just a few books on a  shelf, an all might poster, and a TV with a game console and some  movies, oh and coffee table to eat at. Although he does have a full kitchen too. Ok so maybe not that empty.

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