lost conflations (trigger warning)

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"My story goes something like this: I thought I had a best friend. We used to talk all the time, me starting the conversation always. We used to talk daily about anything and everything, she lied a lot, like really a lot, but I always forgave her. Once, I noticed how I'm always the one to start the conversation, so I stopped starting the conversations. Two weeks later, she talked to me, our chat was just 'Hi, how are you.' and that was it. We never spoke again." - Roller_Coaster16

"I was best friends with a girl, and then I introduced her to my other best friend, they hit it off, and they started doing things without me, to the point that she just stopped talking to me. Then one night she finally texted me, and I just let her go, because I didn't want to deal with the constant emotional war that erupted when I thought she preferred my other best friend over me..." - contradicts

"I had a group of really tight-knitted friends, and we talked a lot during school and in the summer. But then we we entered school this year, we just kind of separated. I hate like two of them now, but are still friends with the other three. We all made different friends, had different relationships that someone doesn't like, and I guess it was better that we aren't friends anymore." - saudade-

"i had this friend that i had known since 8. And as we grow up, we kinda had a group with other people too. but when I was like 13 and we entered secondary school, we had a fight because of our friend. I don't like this 'friend' because she was known to be kinda backstabbing so I fought with my since-8-years-old friend about getting her out of our group. but sadly, the group kinda split in two. Another close friend and i decided to make other friends. And now, we barely said hi to each other and she kinda got popular with the seniors. But I don't mind that part at all because I kinda hate attention. So, that's my story. can't believe we were that immature, but it's too late to fix up our friendship now." - nurcinderalla

"Ok so this was just last year....when I meet someone...I usually (depending on my instinct ) i trust them...I only choose people to become my friends after  I know them for a while. We are all fine last year but then S (I'm not gonna mention her name..but she's the friend I made last year) started to ignore my best friend. I didn't even know that this was going on, so one day I decided to talk to her about it and all she said was nothing was wrong. I didn't believe her and I so I asked one of her friends who was also a really good friend of mine, she said that S felt like she was being ignored when in a convo when basically she was cutting my best friend out of the convo's. My best friend got really hurt over that fact and she stopped talking with her, cuz S just wouldn't even say a word to her. I talked to her a few times this year but now she see's me around and she just walks away. We were really good friends last year and I thought that she could be one of my closest friends but no...and most of what she said was lies.....so yea..." – TearsOfBlackAndGold

"he never knew i existed, until last summer. he contacted me out of no where, and i had a new friend that summer. when school started last year, he never talked to me. to him, it was just another fling. we faded until he talked to me last year of december. we became the absolute best of friends, maybe even a little more. anyone could see that there was something between us; except for him. he would always come to me for relationship advice, when there were times i woud dream it were me who he'd need help saying "i love you" to. whenever he went through a breakup, he'd come to me; but as a rebound. one day, i was his baby boo, the next i"d be his bro. it got so tiring how he never realized what would become of us. but even if we were just friendd, that was good enough for me. but then one day, he stopped talking to me. and you wanna know why? it's bc of his girlfriend. i still help him with relationship advice, but one day i couldn't take it anymore. the last time we talked was a month ago. *sobs violently*" - fanficqueen1D

"my "friend" was my friend for years. but she always talked behind my back to our other friends. this year (excuse my language) she was being a real bitch. she always had a boyfriend, no matter what. and we all noticed that he was kinda becoming a slut. all the guys liked her butt and everything. she was moving, and we got into a big fight. she told me to go to hell. and then she tried to patch things up. I said no. she usually always gets her way, but this time she didn't. I had stood my ground and told her no. I still hate her, but she thinks we "made up". all of my friends still hate her too. and the sad thing was we were friends for years." -margaret_grace_

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