[Chapter 14]

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The sun has completely sunk. Donghun, Jun and Chan have trouble fighting Kazangan without Sehyoon. We can't continue like this. We'll have to defeat Kazangan first. You decide to first defeat Kazangan or atleast knock him out so you can escape. Otherwise the boys might in worst case not even survive this fight. I need to help them!
》Spiritual creature: " You are more important for this than you think."《
You transform back to your human form and help Sehyoon up.
"We have to defeat Kazangan," you say to Byeongkwan who's also helping Sehyoon. You try to think of the riddle. "What shines in the night will be his downfall." The moon.. the stars? Tonight is full moon. The openings in the walls of the hall are very long, so that a lot of light can come in. You can see how the outside is illuminated by the moonlight.
BK: "Remember what you said about the moon having healing powers? I think it's the moonlight that we need to defeat him." It's just a hunch but since he has healing powers he feels like the moon might be the solution. You nod and run to one of the openings in the walls. Byeongkwan quickly goes help the guys again and you have a look at the night sky. How in heavens name could I use the moon to defeat Kazangan?
Byeongkwan let's the others know that you're helping. Sehyoon suddenly gets reminded of something.
SY: "Y/n!" He calls out to you, "the lake,, night,, your wings." That's all he's able to say, the fight keeping him too busy. But that's all you needed to hear.
》Eliya: " Your true form is the key."《
You transform into a butterfly and go more up the opening. My wings reflect the moonlight. You hope that this will work. The five members are having a very hard time and they're exhausting their powers.
DH: "Just how much power does he have?!" You hear Donghun shout in frustration. Let's try this. You go slightly outside so the moonlight shines on your wings. Your wings reflecting more light then ever before. You position your wings in a way that the reflected light could shine on Kazangan. But he's moving too much. Donghun! You try to connect with Donghun and he hears you.
DH: "Guys, we have to keep him steady!" He makes cacti twirl around Kazangan's body to keep him as steady as he can. The others help. As you flutter you try to shine the reflected moon on him. Once the light reaches Kazangan, the light starts to burn him. He screams. He tries to fight back as much a he can, but the guys put everything at stake to keep him stable. Smoke starts to come from Kazangan. Come on. You try to concentrate to make your reflection brighter and stronger. It seems to work a bit, when Kazangan suddenly evaporates in dust and a huge blast of powers gets released. Knocking everyone down.

Everyone stays down, too tired and exhausted to get up. You slowly flutter to the boys. Spontaneous tears. You transform back into a human and kneel down next Sehyoon. You give him a kiss, a smile on your face.
"We did it," you whisper. He smiles too.

"Don't move, I'll take it from here. Donghun could you make that cactus move for me?" He doesn't say anything. The huge cactus shifts more so that you can see into the pot. You fly up to it and look inside. The twin box's blue light shining out of the pot.
》DH: "As if you were the key to bringing us here."《
You are able to make the twin box float out of the pot. The members slowly get up.
DH: "So this is the twin box we've walked miles for?"
BK: "Seems so..."
CH: "Is this it? Will we be able to get back home with this?"
"Eung," you're back to your human form.
J: "I can't believe this is the end."
BK: "No more powers..."
DH: "For weeks trapped in this weird world.. and now I don't want to leave."
"I'll miss-" you suddenly hear a ruckus outside, coming closer. A group of soldiers are in front of the gate. One of them harshly knocks and calls out:
"Master Kazangan! Is everything all right?"
SY: "We have to go!" Sehyoon whispers.
J: "Quickly!"
》Eliya: "Holding hands is how to keep your most precious one."《
SY: "We have to hold hands!" Byeongkwan takes hold of the box and puts his hand out to Chan. He grabs Byeongkwan's hand and then Jun takes Chan's hand. Donghun next and as last Sehyoon.
You and Sehyoon share a look, lament in boths' eyes.
"One... precious one..." resonates in Sehyoon's head. All he can think of is you.
DH: "Sehyoon, we have to go!"

You and Sehyoon share one last look.
SY: "Take my hand!" He screams out, reaching out his hand to you. What? "Quickly! Take it!" Before you can even think about it properly you quickly take hold of his hand. The blue light of the box spreads out and makes everything turn upside down.


Everyone has ended up on grass, sitting. A swarm of blue butterflies coming out and fading away as they flutter out into the dark. It's night. Trees surrounding. Everyone looks around them. Sehyoon looks to his left. You're sitting next to him. His eyes shoot open and he almost jumps on you, hugging you tightly. You're trying to take in what just happened. Despite everything, you're overjoyed to be with Sehyoon.
DH: "What happened?"
CH: "We're back... we're on earth."
BK: "But how did Y/n get here?" Sehyoon finally let's go of you.
SY: "Eliya told me: 'Holding hands is how to keep your most precious one.' She said precious one, not ones. She was talking about Y/n. All I had to do was hold her hand."
DH: "So we didn't actually have to hold hands?"
SY: "I don't think so. We didn't hold hands when I held the first twin box either."
J: "It feels so weird to be back on earth..."
CH: "Wait but what happened to your world Y/n?" You try to collect your thoughts.
"Well.. we defeated Kazangan.. so all the villages should have their powers back. Kazangan's army will probably be raging, but with the villages having their powers back they should be able to defeat his army without a problem."
SY: "So your world will be safe?"
"I think so yes." He gives you another hug.
SY: "I'm sorry I took your hand. I didn't have time to think twice about it and took you with me to earth."
"It's okay. I'm glad I'm with you.. and the others. Even though I'll miss my world a lot, I would forever regret not coming with you." He gives you a smile with the sweetest eyes. A kiss on the forehead.
"You'll have to teach me everything about this world though."
SY: "I will," he chuckles.
Everyone gets up, their human clothes on.
J: "Let's do a group hug." Before Donghun can complain, Jun pulls him in and the other members join. You and Sehyoon get up and join too.
Everyone is relieved. Not only were they able to get back, but also save your world.
DH: "Okay, let's get out of here." You all get out of the small forest and walk to the apartment. Sehyoon holding your hand as you walk.
BK: "This feels too familiar."
CH: "I miss it already... the powers, everything."
"Atleast you won't encounter any monsters here," you laugh, making the rest laugh too. Jun feels inside his back pocket and takes out his smartphone. He looks at it as if it's some alien object.
BK: "Woah.. if only we had those in Y/n's world."
CH: "We could've just used a GPS to find the twin box," Chan laughs. Jun unlocks his phone and looks at the date.
J: "Wait... it's like we were never gone..."
DH: "What?!" Donghun looks at Jun's phone too. "Are you saying we spent a month in a weird world and people will never know we were even gone for one second?!"
BK: "Does that mean we're a month older than everyone else?" Chan and Byeongkwan share a weirded out look. Everyone sighs simultaneously.

You arrive at the apartment.
DH: "I could sleep for a year." All the members agree.
BK: "By the way, Y/n. Does your world have a name?"
"Not really actually."
DH: "How would you even call a world like that?"
CH: "It's a..."
SY: "Wonderful world," Sehyoon finishes the sentence. Everyone nods but doesn't say anything.
CH: "Do you think we will one day all think back and maybe not even believe it actually happened?"
"And what am I then? A butterfly?" Everyone laughs.

♡⃛ The End ♡⃛

[A/n: I feel both relieved and sad that it's done. I hope you all enjoyed my story ^^ your opinion or thoughts are always very appreciated! Also let me know if you would like some sort of small bonus to this story~
Thank you so so so much for reading and supporting ♡]

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