a baratheon must always remain in kings landing

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0. a baratheon must always remain in kings landing 

Princess Arryn Baratheon was accustomed to getting anything she sought after (not that she asked for things often, or used it to her advantage), but that didn't stop her from being completely surprised when her mother and father called her to breakfast on her seventeenth name day to tell her that she would be accompanying them on their trip to Winterfell.

The teen had been pestering them for a month about going on the trip, but each time her mother would exclaim "the north is no place for a lady of the court!" and tell her that she was to stay behind with her sister while she, her father and her brothers made the nearly three week trip. "A Baratheon must always remain in Kings Landing," the queen would say before sending her off.

Finally the girl took it up with her father, with whom she was close. The king had never been able to say no to his daughter, although he rather agreed with his wife on the matter. The north was no place for a princess, and neither was the Kings Road.

Arryn sat across from her parents, picking at the fruit and porridge she had been given, and gave the cupbearer a thankful smile as he handed her a goblet of juice. The princess was quite intelligent, and was well aware that Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon were not overly fond of each other. For the sake of their four children though, they made an effort to be civil towards each other.

The King and Queen were stiff towards each other that morning, and Arryn assumed they had been arguing again, and she would soon find out why.

"Where's Joffrey and the babies?" She asks after a few moments. The younger Baratheon's were usually present when they had breakfast.

Cersei situates herself in her chair, angling away from her husband as she smiled at her eldest. "I've instructed their septa to bring Myrcella and Tommen in a little bit," She says, glancing towards the boy that was filling Robert's cup with wine. "and Joffrey should be finishing an early lesson at the archery range."

Arryn's brow furrows, finding that to be odd. "Why aren't they here now?" She asks, Joffrey could have trained after breakfast, and the little ones were usually attached to Cersei as soon as their eyes opened.

The King and Queen shared a tense look before the blonde cleared her throat. "We wanted a few minuets alone with you," She says giving her a fond look. "is that a crime now? We hardly ever see you lately, love."

Arryn stares at the both of them, slowly chewing a strawberry. "You're being odd..who's asking for my hand this time?" It was a valid question, she thought, seeing as the last time her parents had sat her down alone like this was the first time someone had asked for her hand in marriage.

Robert clears his throat before speaking, leaning back. "Your mother and I talked," He says, catching her attention. He always loved telling her things like this, her happiness was what he lived for. "and we've agreed that as heir to the throne, you should experience at least more than just the realm you grew up in."

Arryn wasn't sure if he was being serious or not, and looked to her mother for confirmation. The stiff look upon her face was more than enough. "Really?!" She asks, standing from her seat and rounding the table to envelop her father in a hug. "Thank you, Father!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around the fat man as he lets out a hearty laugh, an arm wrapping around her as well. "Thank you, Mother!" She exclaims again, rounding the table to envelope her mother next. The woman readily embraced it, a smile on her usually cold face as her daughter showed her parents a rare bit of affection. "I promise i won't let either of you down!" She exclaimed yet again as she starts to run towards the door, tripping slightly on the ends of her skirt that she had forgotten to hoist up as she took the steps. She was too exited to finish breakfast, and only had hours to pack her belongings as they would be leaving by high-noon. 

Looking back on it now, Arryn wished she had stayed home, for she never would have met Theon, and she never would have had to experience the heartbreak, pain and suffering over the next few years that she has since experienced..but if she had to go back and rewrite it all, she wouldn't, for their love was one of epic proportions, a love for the ages, as Sansa would say. And i suppose, dear reader, that i should tell you the story..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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